Are you truly happy?

Are you truly happy?

When I spend time with my loved ones....I am happy.

When I eat at my favorite restaurant....I am happy.

When I accomplish a goal in life...I am happy.

When I do an activity that causes enjoyment...I am happy.

But does that mean my heart has achieved true happiness?

All of which I described are temporary states of mind that are short-lived;

they cause the mood to feel slightly elevated.

Eventually, the "feeling of happiness" is replaced by other emotions.

Some of which are constantly with us.

The feelings that never leave, are the ones that show us the true

mental position we hold in our lives.


The interior of your soul is usually filled with nothing but sadness/anger/hurt.

These moods are only altered when you feel happy doing something

that causes you great pleasure.

Do you think you are achieving true happiness?

You are currently just benefiting from the short-lived state of mind

that will eventually

leave you;

It will lead you back to the negative feelings you usually harbor.

So, what is true happiness?

True happiness exists in oneself.

It is the contentment a person has inside of them

without seeking the approval of anyone else.

The things they cannot change, they accept.

The things they can to further improve in their lives, they do.

They truly accept and love themselves.

The imperfections that you have,

you do not dwell on them.

The negative experiences that you have had,

no matter how horrible they were you look for the positive

lesson(s) to take from them.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

The activities and people they enjoy being around helps

to further extend their happiness,

but it is the contentment that exists inside

their souls that ultimately fulfills them as a human-being.

In other words,

Doing the things you love can create a false illusion of happiness.

But it is the source itself (truly loving you) that equates to a all around self-contented individual.

So are you truly happy, or are you just experiencing a temporary state of mind?

Are you truly happy?

Are you truly happy?
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