Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

1. Watching cartoons

Things You Were

Cartoons bought me so much joy as a kid. Does there come a time when someone really has to stop solely based on age?

2. Playing videogames

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

I know plenty of adults that still play videogames, and they aren't even ashamed of it. Just take a look at youTube you'll see how many adults have gaming channels.

3. Playing with toys

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

I had a blast playing with toys as a kid. It's something that brings me a lot of joy, how many of you never want to stop this?

4. Sucking your thumb

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

Watching an adult suck their thumb just makes me cringe! Were you missing a pacifier when you were younger?

Perverted men, I know what you're thinking! You want to provide this woman with a "healthy" alternative!

Huh what? Last time I checked that never hurts. -Gulps my words-

5. Wearing pajamas

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

How many of you have traded in your pajamas for night cowns, or a basic comfortable clothing? No one knows what you look like when you're sleeping (besides yourself and significant other of course), so if this is what provides you comfort I say you're never too old! Go for it!

6. Saying the word "Mommy" or "Daddy"

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

Some people feel referring to your parent(s) as "Mommy" or "Daddy" is something that should be stopped once you're over 12. It seems rather babyish and childish for someone big in size to use such a word.

7. Dying your hair bright colors

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

This is the only thing, I will say adults can get away with but it really depends on their age.

This woman's selection of colors is horrendous and as me thinking about a peacock.

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

Just what on Earth was she thinking? I know, perhaps she wasn't even thinking at all!

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

No one over the age of 40 should still be doing this. Even the age "40" in itself is pushing it in my opinion.

This lady right here, looks great! Lets fast forward 20+ years and we'll see how drastic my opinion is about this.

8. Eating babyfood or ordering from the kids menu

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

Some adults buy baby food because they love the taste, others may go to fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and order themselves a happy meal.

9. Wearing your food

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

When this food is all over your face and clothes, this is marked as unacceptable. Only a toddler or a young child can get away with this!
Don't give me that bullcrap!

You have decades worth of being properly trained on how to eat food, no exceptions necessary!

10. Throwing a tantrum

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

As adults, we should understand that in life you do not always get your way. It's perfectly normal to experience disappointments or let downs. However, at this stage in life you should have a grip on how to handle when you get upset or angry. Breaking things, having extreme outbursts, or crying uncontrollably shows someone that is not able to handle their emotions.

Yikes! This extreme display in emotions is difficult to watch.

Stacy, look away! and I mean NOW!

11. Trick or treating

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

Trick or treating is for children! Halloween parties are for adults. Do you understand the difference? Ringing someone's doorbell and going from house to house is childish!
Hey, Hey! I see some of you are getting defensive...don't kill me!

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult

How many of you adults still do this?
How many of these just drive you absolutely crazy when you see it?

Feel free to comment below!

Things You Were "Supposed" To Outgrow By The Time You're An Adult
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