Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

Warning! You have a lizard in your brain! [Science Fact]

My topic here is fundamental for every person to understand the main element behind many failures you might face in your life.

Which is a branch of Biological Consciousness Theory. In this myTake I am going to explain what I think is the most important subject in biological consciousness theory, which is the chemical interpretation of the "Who am I?" - which is awareness or consciousness or potentiality or intelligence in the brain.

Which I believe can help you to avoid many mistakes in your general life, and understand a lot about "humans", these creatures that surround you and you have to deal with every day in your life. And more importantly can open your roads to a successful mature life.

And if you are interested more in this follow me as I will make another Take about Quantum Consciousness Theory, which is more spiritual, and a bigger picture of what we are, from a quantum physics theory.

The Reptilian Brain

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

Have you ever known that we have a shared a brain with wild animals, specifically reptiles? Therefore in other words we have a shared behaviour with snakes and crocodiles!?

Well! Yes, in fact there are many snakes you have run into in your life. And what can freak you out more is that there really is a snake version of yourself frightening you from many things and people, calling you to bite them in your human sophisticated means and abilities.

The human brain is construction from an evolutionary perspective into three parts.

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

1-The first which is the most ancient in the back of your head is the one we share with reptiles called, The R complex. The "R" stands for our reptilian ancestors we have evolved from along with other wild animals.

It's the ceed if so spoken. And you can imagine it as! A core of a bobcoarn. Responsible basically for "survive, react, repeat"

2- The second part in the middle of your head is more devoloped and more similar to monkeys, and that is called the mamelian brain. And that is responsible for "feel, remember, interact with others" , it's more to be emotional than arthematic or logical.

3-The Third part however, is exclusive to our species, and it is what saperate us from the other species, this is the one behind language, reasoning and rationality, and it's slogan is "talk, think, move, create, learn"

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

And now we have understood our brain construction we want to understand the negative effects of this lizard brain, how does it contribute to our human behavior, and what wrong motivations it generates so that we can avoid them.

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

Well, I say to understand it's contribution to us you have to observe reptiles behaviour itself. In Gensis of the Bible Lucifer was represented as a serpent, even in ancient times a serpent behaviour was a symbol of deceptive and mean behaviour.

I don't want you to hate it, cause it's does a lot of positive jobs to our nervous system, what we have to avoid is its INTERVENTIONS TO OUR LIFE DECISIONS.


Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

The reptilian brain does to you only what reptiles need to do in order to survive in the wilds.

It only tells them when to run! Senses danger from other predator animals, and makes defense responses.

And you have to notice that it's linked to our amygdala which is the fear response center.

And here is the lesson you got.

It gives you wrong judgments or decisions about events and people without logical analysis. For example when you have many risks and mmm not big chances of success in -let's say- a project in your work. Here where it will tell you (Please! Survive, just avoid risks fuck success. Just set down and watch TV) without even analysing the highest result of these risks!

The reptilian brain makes risks much more huge than how they are! That's why lizards will run from you even when you are trying to feed them.


2- Repeat

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

"Survive-react-repeat". Remember! ?

The reptilian brain is a source of stupidity and cowerdness. It takes 0 logic when making actions.

The other devoloped part of the brain will change the plan if the attempt has failed.

When you fail in an attempt, it will build a lesson from it and strategically devolope a different attempt.

The reptilian brain tells you to repeat the same fucking action for one billion time without a result.

Trap a lizard in a glass! It will never realise that going through that bloody transparent thing can happen. It will keep repeating and repeating the attempts.

It convinces you not to lesson to logic! And that's why most of us live meaningless life!! Keep repeating the same day! Don't make adventures, don't creat an idea! Don't make something unique! Please just survive! Don't let them eat me! Repeat , repeat, repeat, don't quite Alcohol! Don't make a business project! Don't face life. Set down!

Well! How many lizards have you seen in your society? Keep the number.

3- Be angry!

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

You know! Wrong judgment is behind a lot of anger! A lot of wars in our world.

We understood that this lizard makes you take actions, and decisions without logical analysis.

My friend! it also makes you give wrong judgment based on appearance. If I gave you a picture of a dear, and I give you a picture of a shark! Which one will frighten you more! Of course the shark!

Well what if I tell you that deers kill humans annually more than sharks! Why don't you see movies about evil deers killing people! Why don't you fear them more than sharks!

Because they're cute!?


And sharks have actually bad future in their dating life >>>[woooo, not funny]


That's the point, people actually fear those who are different in looks and cultures due to this reptilian brain [Obama once mentioned that in a show].

So again for example You're facing a snake! The snake sees you're different! It senses the danger! It rises its head it get ready to take a reaction.

That's the exact look I see from some people ouside my race in public places (no offense).

But every time you find a manager who hires people based on their race or their hometown or based on (She is hot!!)

Tell him you are no human! You're a lizard!

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do

I guess that's enough understanding of this aspect of our behaviour! If you're interested on this topic, there are many who paid attention to it and you can google their name beside the topic! Hear from.

Seth Godin

George Carlin

David Icke

Michio Kaku

Thank you, and follow me for other fascinating topics ;)

Warning! You Have a Lizard in Your Brain! No, Seriously, You Do
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