World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

Before the war started

There were 2 big coalitions in Europe, Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.

Triple Entente which contains:Great brittain,France,Russia.

Triple Alliance Which contains:German Empire,Austria-Hungary,Italy

Both Alliances have 1 rule, if 1 country of their Triple Coalition gets attack all members need to back him up.

Treaties Signed by Allied powers

Franco-Russian Alliance on 1894

Anglo-Russian Entente on 31 August 1907 followed up by treaties with Japan and Portugal.

In 1904 Britain and France signed a series of agreements.

1.France and Britain had signed five separate agreements regarding spheres of influence in North Africa in 1904, the Entente cordiale. The Tangier Crisis later encouraged co-operation between the two countries from their fear of German expansionism.

2.Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War, which resulted in less concern over Russian imperialism and encouraged Russia to secure its position elsewhere. France was already allied to Russia in the Dual Alliance.

3.Britain was frightened about the rising threat of German imperialism. Kaiser Wilhelm II had announced to the world his intentions to create a global German empire and to develop a strong navy. Britain, traditionally having control of the seas, saw this as a serious threat to its own empire and navy.

4.In 1907, the Anglo-Russian Entente was agreed, which attempted to resolve a series of long-running disputes over Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet and helped to address British fears about German expansion in the Near East.

Treaties Signed by Central powers

Dual Alliance (Defensive alliance) 7 October 1879

Italy joined Germany and Austria-Hungary to form the Triple Alliance in 1882

Romania secretly joins 18 October 1883

Bulgaria–Germany treaty 6 September 1915 (secret)/14 October 1915 (public)

Ps.Ottoman Empire had no treaties with any Great Power before the war.

Events leading to World War I

Triple Alliance 1882
Franco-Russian Alliance 1894
Anglo-German naval arms race 1898–1912
Entente Cordiale 1904
Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905
First Moroccan Crisis 1905–1906
Anglo-Russian Entente 1907
Bosnian crisis 1908–1909
Agadir Crisis 1911
Italo-Turkish War 1911–1912
Balkan Wars 1912–1913
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand 1914
July Crisis 1914


World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

On 28th June 1914 a 19 year old named Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.
Austria-Hungary accuses Serbia of having aided the assassin, And sends an Ultimatum demanding humiliating concessions (23rd July 1914) Serbia rejects the Ultimatum. Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia on 28th July 1914.



World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

The Russian Empire begins its Mobilization on 30Th July, After Austra-Hungary declares war to Serbia on 28th July.
Russia mobilization is used to justify German mobilization followed by a declaration of war on Russia (1st of august)
Germany knows war with Russia means war with Russia ally France. So to counter that plan Germany made the Schlieffen Plan:A rapid advance trough Belgium to outflank France and its near armies at Paris and defeat them, And win a quick victory, After that soldiers will be redeployed to the Eastern front to face the much larger Russian army.

Germany mobilize its army on 1 August and declares war on France on 3rd of August.
6 Million men are now mobilized in Europe.
Italy however remains neutral.The term of the triple alliance don't bind it to join an offensive war. The United States also remains neutral.
Britain is France ally but is not clear if he wants to join Germany.
But when Germany invades Belgium an ultimatum has been sent to Berlin to pull out of Belgium territory, But that has been ignored. Great Britain declares war on Germany.

Major Battles

World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

EC=Entente Casaulties CC=Central Casaulties

Battle of the Marne-Entente victory EC-86,701 CC-67,700

First Battle of Ypres-Indecisive EC-58,155 CC-46,765

Battle of Tannenberg-German victory EC ~170,000 CC ~25,000

First Battle of the Masurian Lakes-German victory EC ~115,000 CC ~50,000

Battle of Cer-Serbian Victory EC-20,000 CC-45,000

Battle of Łódź-Inconclusive EC-90,000 CC-35,000

Battle of Kolubara-Serbian Victory EC-120,000 CC~270,000

First battle of Champagne-Inconclusive EC-93,432 CC-46,100

Battle of Sarikamish-Russian Victory EC-30,000 CC-50,000

Naval battles

Raid on scarborough-German Victory EC-Lost 137 Fatilities and 4 ships CC-3 ships

Battle of Heligoland Bight-British Victory EC-4 ships demaged CC-6 Ships sunk 6 Ships demaged

Battle of Coronel-German Victory EC-2 Cruisers lost 1,500 men killed CC-3

Colonial battles

First Battle of Garua-German Victory EC-Very high CC-Minimal

Battle of Nsanakong-German Victory EC-300 CC-113

Battle of Sandfontein-German Victory EC-66 CC-60

Battle of Tanga-German Victory EC-140 CC~900

Siege of Tsingtao-Japanese Victory JC-2000 CC-4100

Battle of Bita Paka-Australian Victory AC-13 CC-100

Battle of Basra-British Victory EC-500 CC-1,300

British Sea Blokkade

World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

Britain has the most powerful navy 29 modern battleships to Germany 19.they pose a naval blockade preventing contraband goods including food from reaching by sea. The aim is to bring Germany economy to its knees and force it to surrender.But to counter that blockade..German have invented a new weapon. German submarines or U-Boots they have a range of 9000 miles and can attack undetected from beneath the waves.

Trench Warfare

World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)

December 1914 The Western Front in Europe stabilizes in the aftermath of the First Battle of Ypres as the Germans go on the defensive and transfer troops to the East to fight the Russians. The 450-mile-long Western Front stretches from the Channel Coast southward through Belgium and Eastern France into Switzerland. Troops from both sides construct opposing trench fortifications and dugouts protected by barbed wire, machine-gun nests, snipers, and mortars, with an in-between area called No Man's Land. The Eastern Front also sees its share of trenches as troops dig in after the Russians hold off the Germans in Poland and the Austrians hold off the Russians at Limanowa. The 600-mile Eastern Front stretches from the Baltic Sea southward through East Prussia and Austria to the Carpathian Mountains.

Sources: and Documentaries

Hours of research: Around 12 hours (4 days) i already knew a lot about WW1

PS.if I made any mistakes let me know, So I can learn from them.
By the way I could have added more in here but i didn't want to make it to long so I know there is some shit missing :)

Would you love to see a version of this but than 1915?

If there are some grammar mistakes, Than im sorry English is my fourth language!

World War 1 AKA The Great War or the War to End All Wars (1914)
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