The Worst Advice I Ever Got Was To Be Myself

The Worst Advice I Ever Got Was To Be Myself

Why? Because who I am is not what others want. TBH even my best friends don't label me correctly. However I can pretty easily label them. An easy way to describe me is a selfless old fashioned nice Christian. There are two sides to that one that hates from one view point and the other that can't understand my view point.

A lot of people just don't get why I'm nice to them and the girls, well they just don't like that I'm really being nice to them until they usually come to see me as their gay freind. And you guessed it, it is murder to find a date. I don't mind helping out, in fact I usually enjoy it until I almost always notice that I'm being used. Sure I'll help my co-work out with that. A short time latter, hey why am I the only one working on this? Where did everyone go? My boss loves me cause I'm her little pawn. I'll help out where ever and when ever I can. Why cause that was how I was raised. Bad day well try this... Great now she is just using me in that way also. I would not mind if it was actual work instead of just busy work.

The Worst Advice I Ever Got Was To Be Myself

It often seems this whole world wants you to be you until you're for something or you're not against something. Case in point, abortion. Morally I'm against it but in actuality I could care less because it is just not worth the hassle of arguing with people who will never change their minds. I'd just rather not talk about it or bring it up because there is no point and it is just a pain when people start "debating" about it. Same thing with many other causes I can care less but they just won't let me. I have to pick a side cause everyone has a "for me" or "against me" mentality.

I'm happy just making things or doing my school work participate in a group project for English? With English I'm going to be doing most of the work anyways because every one else is unmotivated or will just procrastinate so why not do it all myself? I wish that I would be in a functioning group but it just won't happen. Funny thing is my psychology professor called me paranoid when I asked to just do it alone. Turns out that I was literally the only one to do any work on it and I'm the only one who turned in my project. I tried to bring it up in a free discussion but no one will ever admit that the system is broken or they were wrong. So my free question was ignored and passed over.

In this world unless you're completely breaking the rules and social norms you had better be normal because the un-normal ones who should be getting help and need to be in a mental ward will make sure that you stay normal and without a voice. My advice is to just let them mold you to an extent but stay different in some parts. Maybe one day someone will notice a subtle difference in you and cherish you for it. Trusting you enough to reveal their unique differences. Until then every one will exploit your weaknesses that is just how this world works.

The Worst Advice I Ever Got Was To Be Myself
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