I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

Ok please no one consider me feminist here from the stuff I say, girl power rocks but some feminist ways are weird. I see both genders being equal. This myTake is pretty different compared to the usual music - oriented type. I'm sure i'll get some hatred from this though.

I am peaceful with most people, but of course there are still things that I do get angry about. I'm sure i might lose a few followers from this. These are the things (theyre random).

I am angry about the way people view religion.

Do not believe I'm anti-religious here, I follow pagan beliefs. But the one negative thing about any belief is that it can sometimes stir up trouble due to opposing views. When I was younger I was atheist because of it but it didn't help. And being pagan (and a metalhead) I deal with people telling me that I'm going to hell and that I'm lost and other stuff. And they keep pestering on and trying to shove a bible down my throat.

Its fine if someone wants to be a Christian, but it doesn't make the person better than anyone else. I don't believe that there is only one true way in religion. There are many ways, it just depends on the person. I just wish that everyone would stop all the fighting over what religious beliefs are better. There's always gonna be someone who believes otherwise than you. I respect and get along with all people of all beliefs, whether Christian, catholic, atheist, Buddhist, Satanist, etc.. so please respect mine and don't shun me because of how I'm different from you.

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

I am angry about the way women can be treated.

Yeah yeah, before you go screaming at me, let me say that this doesn't go for ALL guys being this way. I know there are the ones who are actually very nice to women. I've met ones who are awesome, whether they are on here or around me in person. But I've also met ones who treat women like toys. I've dealt with them but I don't stoop to the level of being used for a guy's pleasure. I'm currently dealing with one person on this site who's one of those guys. Women are human beings. We have the same rights as guys, and if we didn't, then we'd have no place in the world. We have emotion too, we are not as weak as some guys think. I mean come on, we literally create new life inside us! Who else can do that? When we stick our minds to stuff, we can achieve anything. I've been accused of being lesbian a few times because people tend to see me as someone who isn't the stereotypical chick. I view both genders as being equal. I mean they think a little differently, but we are humans. I've been told a few times too that I can't do something because I'm female. Screw that.

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

I am angry about how people can automatically judge others based on looks, race and/or sexuality.

Why does everyone have to be judgy about that? First off, looks are looks. Whether someone thinks you're ugly and that it makes you a bad person, the judgy person is the true ugly one. You are still beautiful whether you are feminine or masculine, skinny or overweight, tall or short, etc. True beauty comes from within. I don't believe sexuality is a choice. Some people agree with me, others think that homosexuality is a mental problem or just a way someone is going against God. I've met people who are bi and gay, and they all were nice people. They are humans just like us. And one race is not superior to another.

Again we are all humans. We all come from one source. I do understand how some races feel they don't have equal rights. And I see why. I think its ok if someone feels the need to protest about needing equality, but I don't think violence in protesting is the right way. Do you think you would get more equality when you are setting a bad example of yourself when you get violent? I honestly feel that more peaceful type protesting would get things better. That's just my thought on that.

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

I am angry about what has been done to the planet (this right here may become a separate myTake coming right after this)

Earth is our only home. Earth is a source of life, not a resource. If you really pay attention to everything around you when you are outside, there is life everywhere. Whether its from the tiniest little insects in the ground, to the grasses, to the big trees, and everything in between. I view mother earth itself as a living thing. Whether or not you see earth like that, I'm sure some of you agree that its a true source of life. Our needs come from this earth.

To be able to live, she gives us the water that hydrates us, and the other living things we have to eat in order to survive. She gives the atmosphere for us to have our breath. But us humans have been taking up the resources too much and could easily already be bringing our demise because of how much we are dependent on abundant resources. I know there are ways being invented to help things get better but there are still people who don't really care. This is pretty much the equivalent of them holding up a gun to mother earth's head if she were a person.

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

I am angry about how some people view animals.

Some people view animals as dumb creatures. Some people abuse them. There was once a survey that asked "if there was a fire at your house, which would you save: your cat or your phone?" many people chose "phone". Why choose to save technology instead of saving a life? This like the equivalent of a cat choosing to save a phone instead of you in the fire. Would you like that? I wouldn't. All creatures, big and small, have their own lives just like us. They are aware of what is going on. They have emotions too. We are not the only beings with emotions. Here's an example:

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

One bird got hit by a car, she was soon going to pass. Her mate attended to her, giving her food and being by her side, only leaving and coming back when a car would go by. But eventually she died, and the bird kept crying out. The person who took the photos moved the living bird and he sat in a tree still crying out. if you want to read about this story click here http://birdingcouple.blogspot.com/2011/05/bird-mourns-death-of-mate.html

I once witnessed something similar. I saw a baby goose get hit by a careless driver and the mother kept staying by the baby's side even after it died. Animals do have feelings and a life of their own. I just wish more people had respect for them. I think the only time its ok to kill one is if you HAVE to eat it. Doing it for nothing I just see as the same as killing a person. What sucks is that one of my favorite musicians, James Hetfield, does hunting. Kinda bittersweet when I support his music but not his senseless animal killing.

I am angry about how much people are so freakin dependent on technology (cell phones to be exact) and social media.

I see people all the time on their phones, texting, talking, whether they are walking around or driving.

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)

Is it really that important to answer that text? Would you rather get in a car wreck just to answer a message? I mean phones themselves aren't bad, but people are so dependent on it and overuse them. There are many better things to do than be on a phone. Put down that phone and actually use your mouth for talking. Spend time with your friends and family. Play with your pet. Spend time in nature.. I don't even own a phone and I live a good life without it.

As for social media, some people go nuts posting something every second every day. What's the use of that? Why should everyone know what is up with your life? The only social media I got is this and youtube. I don't even put up youtube videos. I have spoken about some things about my life on here, but I don't go all in depth and speak about it every second. Really there's a lot more personal stuff I choose not to say on here. But I want to be here to help others. I'd rather do that than go on facebook and post pictures and say stuff that happens every second. Its not everyone's business to know what's going on with you. You are not the center of attention, nor should you be.

There's plenty of other things to worry about. I feel like I'm the only teen out there who doesn't have extreme luxury in technology but is still happy. I live more like I'm in the 90s, my TV is an old boxy type, I collect music on CDs and some vinyl, obviously using CD and record players. Hell, I'm even into old cars (though new ones can be awesome too). I don't own a phone, or ipad, kindle, laptop, or any weird futuristic thing. And believe it or not I kinda prefer it this way. Though I know eventually I'll have a phone but I know I wouldn't use it that much.

So yes, that is my rant. You are lucky if you have been able to read up to this point here. Thanks for reading my thoughts on all this.

UPDATE: Alright clearly I'm already getting some hate from this. Its fine if you don't agree with everything but come on, I'm having people telling me that I'm being judgmental and that I don't know what I'm talking about, that I'm showing self importance, that I'm pretty much living in La-la land and that I need to shut up. I am strong and I stand up for what I feel. I'm not being judgy, I wait to judge. I get along with all people instead of hating them based on look or race or sexuality. what truly matters in a person is what's on the inside. I'm having people assume that I hate the whole world due to what I've written here. that's already an example of assuming when you don't even know me. I help people before I help myself. this is only the first time I've spoken my mind about stuff. I only say that I don't want people to shun me for being different because though I don't care what others think of me, it gets sickening when people hate, and I've dealt with it a lot. enough where its a damn miracle that I care about people. if you disagree with stuff I say here, fine, but that doesn't mean you automatically change my viewpoint. nor does that give you the privilege to shove hate in my face.

I Am Angry...Here's Why (Warning: This Will Get Controversial!)
28 Opinion