Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

Well well! Look who we have here!

Tess Holiday on her brightest day!

Okay, at first I was going to let her slide.

After I saw this.

I was like I have to comment.

I'm sure you all know who Tess Holiday is.

I'm just going to refresh your mind.

So you have an idea of what she does.

Tess Holiday (Ryann Maegan Hoven is her real name)

is a "PLUS sized model" based in Los Angeles.

Now, Tess Holiday is famous for her work in the fashion industry because of her size.

Okay I'm not sure if I'll be eating my leftist wings today! I'm kind of full.

I want you to see her size before I start.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.
Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

First off she is not a plus size model.

That is not what a plus sized model looks like.

She is like a "plus plus adding is too much so we have to multiply model."

She does not look healthy.

People still support her and want her to stay that way.

She is a size 26.

How does she expect us to glorify obesity.

I would have cheered her head off if she was healthy.

She is clearly not healthy.

It's really just glorifying obesity when you cheer for her size.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

I would like it better if she was working out and eating healthier.

Than in the magazine supporting others who are losing weight as well.

I think she is actually quite beautiful. (In the face.)

I just feel like she is sending herself to the grave.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

She also claimed that she could be healthy and over weight.

Which makes absolutely no sense.

I'm actually little concerned for her now.

She believes that after eating all this food and probably not working out is healthy.

She didn't pay attention in health.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

I want to go back to that last comment.

Vintage camera girl made.

She's right about anorexia but than she went on to say that obesity isn't a mental disorder or a disease.


Obesity could be a mental disorder.

You can't stop yourself from eating and you are convinced that that's okay.

Obesity is a disease! Don't you see it spreading?

Also, You're not the bad guy because you are "naturally" fat.

You are the bad guy because you refuse to accept your weight and change it.

You'd rather live with the excuse that you were born that way.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

it's sad that she is just one of many glorifies.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

How do you let yourself get like this?

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.
Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

I am just in shock at what I found.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

This needs to stop.

It is not okay to be this size.

I thought a plus size model looked like this.

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

Ashley Graham is stunning!

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.

My only exception.

If we really need all this body positivity.

She should be an example.

She is exactly what curvy is and should be.

That is all for today!

Thank you for tuning in on my rant! ^_^

Love a very politically incorrect, Angieee <3

Where There's Controversy! There's Me.
58 Opinion