Embrace your CHARISMA!

Embrace your CHARISMA!

"Be yourself!" a word that has been frequently told, in real life and in movies, people give it as an advise very often, but we don't really appreciate it that much, maybe because it hasn't worked for many people, or that it has lost its meaning as it's been said in not so fitting occasions. So what does it mean really? And how are we not appreciative of it?

To answer this, I should first remind you about the development of character and personality. our characters develop from birth affected by many factors, and it continues to grow forever, it's the base of our "Charisma". Your charisma is your personality, it's your looks, your energy to the world, it forms your body language; your facial expressions, your hand gestures, and the tone of your voice when you talk, how you laugh and generally how you express yourself. All these traits of yours haven't been developed over night, they developed through many phases of growth, so you can't really change them with ease, for instance if you tried to change how you talk, you would feel uncomfortable doing so, because it doesn't really suit your character that took years to be the way it is.

The problem is that we doubt ourselves, we doubt our charisma, we compare it to other people's personalities, and feel that we aren't charming enough, we feel the need to change so we try to do so, we become very self-conscious to what we say and what we do, which becomes very uncomfortable thus make us feel awkward, we get stuck somewhere between our natural charisma and the other charming one we intended to achieve, which leads to us failing to be even present in the situation.

So to avoid all this one shouldn't try to change how they act to be more attractive or to be liked by anyone, instead we should accept our charisma, even embrace it, because it is the face of our character, it's who we are, so we should let it be with no control, which is one of the most important steps to achieve self-love. And if you want to improve yourself, you should focus on improving your life style; your habits. Live right; eat healthy, workout more, be more productive and more social. Do what nurtures your character and improves it's quality, your character that blossoms your charisma. This is how you become more attractive, this is how you "be yourself".

Thanks for reading!

Embrace your CHARISMA!
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