Putting an End to Judging People

Putting an End to Judging People

I’ve seen many complaints in my lifetime where people are often quick to judge someone based on their insecurities in hoping to put others down in order to make themselves feel better. This could be in the form of telling someone how awful they look, how their performance at work is garbage compared to other co-workers and making assumptions based on their appearance. People with low self-esteem put little to no motivation to improving themselves and feel the easiest way to relieve this negative feeling is to make others feel lower than them. There needs to be an end to this way of thinking so we can all live better lives in helping people, not judging them or putting them down. Below are a few statements to look into the mind of a judgmental person, why they act the way they do and ideas how we can solve this problem!


Types of Judgmental People


They Come from a Broken Family

Putting an End to Judging People

A lot of people who criticize or are negative all the time come from being in a broken household where they rarely/never got the love and/or attention they were looking for. People are known for wanting to be praised and valued by others for the effort they put into activities, school, work and impressing others. When they aren’t appreciated or acknowledged for what they do, they begin to question if anything they do is providing good feedback or making people happy. After a while, they’ll begin to be filled with resentment and jealousy when they see others being complimented and praised for their success while the person resenting them is thinking of any way to put them down.

They are Strongly One-Sided about Their Beliefs

Putting an End to Judging People

There’s no doubt that people will differentiate on what they believe is true or to be right in their eyes. This becomes problematic though when they aren’t willing to be open-minded about other people’s opinions and believe that they are justified in everything they say; call them prideful if you will. They are narrow-minded to accepting, hearing and believing only what they want to hear. They’ll be quick to judging others who supposedly try to convert them or change their minds about the way they think. They’re known to be stubborn and aren’t likely to be persuaded easily.

They are Highly Educated but Take Pride in Themselves

Putting an End to Judging People

People who strive to aim for a high paying job and/or earn a career position that requires a lot of responsibility take great pride in knowing they’ve worked hard to achieve what they accomplished to get to where they are today. While not likely to be the judgmental type, there are occasions where they feel that someone in the same company who earns more money or got a higher positioned job unfairly through favoritism or illicit methods will create anger and jealousy to that person. This as a result makes them try to downgrade that person who’s “above” them while trying to keep a professional profile at the same time. It’s one thing to take pride in what you do for professionalism and to be an effective worker but it’s another if you beat someone down because of it.


What can we do to help?

While we aren’t able to fix this problem by ourselves, it is possible to help improve the judgmental person’s lifestyle! The next time you hear someone criticizing you to negatively hurt you emotionally at school, at work or in a social place, just realize that they are only doing this to make you feel terrible about yourself to boost their self-esteem so don’t take it personally. Instead, try to learn more about them; to be empathetic and understand why they are treating you the way they do. It may come as a surprise to them that you’re taking the time to understand their lifestyle and why they are acting the way they do around you. Lend them a hand by spending more time with them, get them more involved in your life and/or tell them what you like about them. This boost of positivity and confidence can really alter their behavior around others and make a positive impact in their lives. By doing this, you’ll also be helping other people indirectly who may have been affected by the person’s negative judgmental behavior!

This may sound easy to do on paper but the reality is; people are afraid to try this method out. How come? The majority of people who are judgmental either hold a higher position than you at work/school or know confidently that any amount of negative behavior they input on you won’t affect their lives in any way. At work, in your head, you’d like to call out on their negative behavior but because of their position, you’ll feel afraid that they will have the power to fire you out of your job! Because of this, many people settle with taking the abuse on a daily basis or find another job because they need the money in order to keep up with their standards of living! There’s also the problem with people standing out from the crowd who are looking for change. Without the support of others to back them up, they’ll not likely make a move in order to avoid having their reputation tainted or ruined.

The truth behind all of this is that we all want to be treated with great care, love and to be treated equally. Circumstances will come around to where people will be judgmental and it’s our job to ensure we don’t feed into that negative behavior by either taking action with positive behavior or ignoring it depending on the situation. No one likes to be judged so we should make an effort to be more understanding as a whole instead of making assumptions and jumping to conclusions without proof.

Putting an End to Judging People


That concludes my opinion about judgmental people and how we can fix the problem! Let me know what you thought of this MyTake by providing me feedback on what you liked or disliked about it. Thank you for reading and I wish you a very good day!

Putting an End to Judging People
16 Opinion