Free Your Mind!

Free Your Mind!

We only choose how to handle what we get, but we get what we get.

You can't control your life because it's part of other lives, and you can't control these other lives. You only can control yourself and adapt to how others live. That's why life will never fit you completely, and if you wanna move ahead, you must accept that.

Everything that's happening to us, is just part of the lows of the universe, those lows that created our destiny. Life problems and difficulties are part of the course of life that is meant to be lived by each of us. All we can do is evolve, learn from everything we go through and be better as time and situations go by.

Just like you were meant to grow from a fetus to a baby; developing a body with arms, legs and organs, keep growing as a whole until you hit puberty and continue developing, you were also meant to experience life as it is. So it's impossible to phase through life without problems and pain, you can only minimize these changes by having a routine life where you don't try anything new, but how are you evolving this way other than by biology? It's important that we understand that we are part of the universe and everything that's happening is gonna keep happening anyway, whether we like it or not, we only have control over how we handle things.

Once we are able to understand that we don't have any control over what surrounds us, we will realize that instead of resisting our problems, we should accept and handle them better. Resisting the flow is only gonna make you suffer from it more, going with the flow or guiding it on the other hand is what minimizes the pain. And this doesn't mean that we give up on what we want and just let things be, it means that instead of suffering too much because something happened we accept the situation, and focus on handling it. When you lose something or someone valuable, you always have two basic choices, either you live in denial, pain and suffering or you accept that it's over, in order to minimize the suffering and move on. It's all about making peace with the situation instead of thinking that it had happened to you so you resist it, you know that it had happened and it's just a part of life, just like you're!

The difficult thing about a choice like that, is that you have to take it everyday over and over again maybe for life, and as difficult as it is to take such a choice everyday, it's very freeing from the amount of pain you might suffer if you didn't. And isn't that what we all thrive to? Be free!

Free Your Mind!
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