Free the prisoners!

OlderAndWiser u
Free the prisoners!

About five years ago, a young user - CheerGirl - suggested to me that, on New Year's Eve, I should empty out the list of all the users I had blocked over the preceding year. I have averaged blocking perhaps 20 users per year, generally because they were political extremists who wanted to rail at anyone who disagreed with them, or they were annoying trolls. I suspect that, by the time I unblocked them, most had become inactive but I have blocked some users, later unblocked them, and then resumed online communications with them.

Forgiving someone is a liberating action and it made me feel good. It also inspired to offer forgiveness to people in other spheres of my life, and - CheerGirl, wherever you are - I thank you for the suggestion.

Is this something that you will consider doing on New Year's Eve?

Free the prisoners!
28 Opinion