I'm Here to Give You a Reality Check, Delusional People

I'm Here to Give You a Reality Check, Delusional People

I see waaaay too many pessimistic people on here who don't have a grip on reality , even all over the web and in real life. I'm not saying im perfect or always happy and positive or whatever . I'm just going to correct some common mistakes and offer advice in some topics people seem to have a false idea about.

Also the title is to draw attention so don't be sensitive and get over it.

1. Looks do matter

This is a thing i always see people talking about saying 'looks don't matter' . Lol yes they do. Just not to the extent you probably think they do.

Chances are most people reading this are average, because most human beings are very average looking and that is fine, that is how it is supposed to be. So a barista isn't going to be an asshole to you because you wore an ill fitting shirt or because you didn't put your makeup on that day. However, people will definitely treat you better if you are good looking or looking your best that day. You will have moments here and there where people treat you better than the average person, yes. But when it comes to hard work and competence, your looks mean jack shit. A good workplace will laugh you out immediately if that workplace has nothing to do with looks.

So people need to stop making excuses about how their looks are holding them back. How many ugly billionaires do you see crying about their looks? How many accomplished scientists, doctors, writers etc do you see being all insecure and like 'omg i will never achieve anything because am so ugleh and single and dumb waah' like shit get a grip and get your ass to working.

2. Stfu about being single

I get it, some people get depressed when they are alone and need companionship and even basic human needs like sex. I find it to be a great thing that I don't need sex and don't think about it that often, I may even be asexual lol.

Anyway, intelligence shows in knowing how to adapt to new situations that are uncomfortable for you. Like shut the fuck up about 'I am alone, I am gonna die alone, I'm so sad, I'm so single, men/women are trash' it is VERY annoying to see someone so sad and desperate like that. Do you think people will respect you if you act that way? NO.

However instead of dwelling on the problem, dwell on the SOLUTION. Figure out WHY you are single or even work on yourself. Be a more complete person. None of us are perfect but we can always work on ourselves to be better than we were yesterday. It is quite sad that some people are driven to suicide because they haven't learned how to accept that you aren't always going to be surrounded by people, you won't always have your way in life and you won't always have a partner. I don't understand it, I can sympathize a bit but if a person gets whiny and insecure about it it just goes to show you how weak they are.

3. Life is not fair

I know what you are thinking, we know blah blah this is something everyone says. But I have seen people who always say 'I work hard, I look good, I deserve this and I deserve that'. You don't get what you deserve. Do children deserve to have abusive parents or get cancer? No, but sadly it still happens and that is never going to change for every single person out there to have better circumstances.

So what can you do about it? Live with it. Learn to always work hard to get what you want, but don't live with the mentality that the world owes you something just because you think you did more than enough to deserve something.

4. Hard work beats everything else

Just because life is not fair doesn't mean you should just quit at life and go sit comfortably and be depressed and blame society and the world for your problems. You want the promotion? Go get it, work your ass off for it. Don't wait on it, just go and do whatever it takes to get it (not something illegal of course, don't be a dumbass and take this literally). You want to beat depression? Accept some hard facts about life, get thicker skin, go get therapy antidepressants a coping mechanism just do whatever you have to do and see what works out for you. You want to experience something good, actually start living your life? Accept that you will live through a whole lot of shit and you will always have problems.

5. Learn to work with people you don't like

I've seen this one too many times. People getting their feelings get the best of them and not work with someone or take advantage of the situation and get something beneficial from someone just because they didn't like them.

Don't be an idiot, life is all about survival and even friendship is a mutual beneficial agreement. Nobody will do anything for you unless they get something in return. A person who just helped out a homeless man feels good because according to their moral system they just did something good and that makes them feel good about themselves. That they achieved something good. A friend won't be your friend no more if you start becoming unlikable, depressed or change what you were offering in the friendship. Is that sad? Yeah, yeah. But grow up and accept it.

Learn to get things from people and use them to your advantage (not in a harmful way, but using people and getting what you want isn't a bad thing). Also stop letting your 'morals' get in the way. Not everyone has the same ideals or morals as you, so don't get easily offended or sad that someone did something you consider bad but they consider alright. I'm not talking about things we universally agree are bad (like murder, being disrespectful for no reason, racism etc.) but rather about things like when someone is honest about what they want and you don't like it just because it isn't a popular opinion. That will get in the way of you getting anything good in life.

Moral of the story, life isn't the way we want it to be. Open your eyes and accept it the way it is but work around it to get what you want. Don't be a pushover to people, to life just because it isn't the way you expected it to be. Part of growing up and being an adult is things like these.

There may be some grammar errors, I don't know what to say. I don't want to go read this over and fix them so just try and ignore it.

I'm Here to Give You a Reality Check, Delusional People
44 Opinion