I feel uncomfortable around my male teacher?

I have my male maths teacher again for this year. He taught me a few years ago in maths and said in front of the whole class that "I didn't know anything", he did apologise later because I told my support teacher and he didn't know that I had a moderate depression. Well, Im fine now, moved on with life, feel happy etc and I am in his higher maths class this year, its my last year.

However, everytime he teaches me I just feel really uncomfortable because I still feel like in his mind he probably thinks Im stupid. I know its not true since Im doing the highest level and passing but he knows that I have a past (abused by someone) which caused depression which makes me worry that he will see me different and not normal even though there's nothing wrong. He said in class a few weeks ago "(my name), you look sad" I was just tired. Should I just tell him and clear the air? What should I do? I have two maths teachers, I feel comfortable around my other teacher
I feel uncomfortable around my male teacher?
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