Would I look retarded at the gym with a Weight Vest?

It's a big weight vest. It's not even a girl vest.

It was my brother's and he gave it to me lol it fits me BIG! but it doesn't look retarded... would it look retarded to wear it at THE GYM though?

I know people use them to go out hiking, running, walking... but to the gym? Would I look stupid?

I don't actually care what others think... but I do a little bit... :D!
if you saw someone, "a girl" with a manly weight vest on at the gym, what would you think? she looks retarded? stupid girl? or just whatever? or what?

In case you don't know what a weight vest looks like...


I would think "she looks retarded"
Stupid girl~ ... those are for outdoors... ha
Cool! she's wearing a vest! :D!
I don't care, I don't notice.. I'm there to workout.
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Would I look retarded at the gym with a Weight Vest?
18 Opinion