How can I take away my aunt's hot boyfriend?

Now my 43 year old aunt got her self a 27 years old. Every is like you go girl , Oh but if it was me I'm 18 every one would be calling me a gold digger. OMG my aunt's boyfriend he is super cute. He told me one time good morning , I told him he looks sexy he just got up and left. Is he playing her to get do guys play hard to get. I set next to him when we were watching TV at my aunt's house he got up and left to the kitchen. Does he want me to chase him around? He barely response back when I talk to him or. Do older adult guys like to be chased around. If only he would break up with me aunt. Now why would a 27 year old dude would want to date an old 43 year old hag. I am 18 years old , I got better chances.
How can I take away my aunt's hot boyfriend?
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