If you had to be haunted by a ghost, which type would you choose?

Clumsy Ghost or Mirror Ghost? VOTE BELOW!
Clumsy Ghost or Mirror Ghost? VOTE BELOW!
Let's say you had the option of buying one of two haunted mansions, each at the same really great price. The main difference is that the mansions were haunted in a different way.

In one mansion, the ghost could move around the house but it was so clumsy that usually when it tried to haunt, something hilarious would happen. While often funny, there would be the chance of stuff breaking and occasional loud noises.

In the other mansion, the ghost could only haunt from behind a mirror. Sometimes this ghost would appear as a different person and other times it would resemble your reflection until suddenly taking on a horrific look. This ghost wouldn't be humorous but at least it would be trapped.

Which ghost would you rather live with? VOTE!
Clumsy Ghost
Mirror Ghost
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If you had to be haunted by a ghost, which type would you choose?
19 Opinion