Can you be depressed without feeling depressed?

I don't really know what feelings are... like emotions... I've always felt blank my whole life.. like careless/apathetic.. So when someone asked if I'm depressed once.. I thought "what the hell, no... I don't feel anything"
The only things I feel is physical pain and when my lungs expand and despand when I breath...

But recently, I've been very bored of life, like super bored of it... I've done the same things over and over for so many years that I'm starting to get really sick of playing video games and watching tv.. I've lost interest in every video game and TV show and they're all boring as fuck now... There seems to be nothing in life that interests me and everyday is just torture of getting through time now it seems to take forever, it's like I'm jus waiting the whole day jus to go to sleep so I can wake up the next day and do the same shit againSometimes I even try to force myself to sleep mid day even though I'm not tired at all jus to escape the boredomI been thinking about taking syanide poison or jumpin off a big bridge jus so I can sleep forever... But I'm not suicidal though, there is no strong desire to kill myself, I think I want to live... But I'm jus so bored of everything I'm starting to consider doing itCould this be depression? I looked up the symptoms of depression and it sounds kinda like it.. even though I don't feel depressed or sad, I feel nothing
Yes that's depression
Ur not depressed, jus bored of life
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n please don't make suggestions like to go out and surf or skateboard or do something fun because I've tried to do so called fun things and I feel bored /blank while doing it, literally nothings fun to me
Can you be depressed without feeling depressed?
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