Could I be bipolar?

For a long long time now I've felt Bipolar. Like, you know when you feel mentally unwell?
I'm no good at life lol! I just can't do it!
I'm almost 20 and I just feel like I'm really not cut out to be at this age yet!
If I could start life all over again, knowing what I know now, I'd be fine haha.

I know those feelings are normal ^
But okay so 'symptoms' I feel I have are:

- Mood swings, mood swings, mood swings! It's either one extreme or the other ! I'll either feel so so 'depressed' that I just feel numb, and worthless, and those episodes can last for months at a time... Then I can feel unstoppable, like I'm destined for great things and that I'm gonna be just fine and lead this extravagant life haha.

- I've got really forgetful lately, I'm having to make lists on my phone for EVERYTHING.

- I can't control my spending.. Even when I'm overdrawn and I KNOW I can't spend anymore, I literally can't control it.

- I get REALLY passionate about things, I'll go out and decide 'this is what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life' buy a load of shit for it, then 1-2 days later lose ALL motivation and interest.

- I've cried so many times just walking round the street coming home from somewhere because I go back to feeling so crap again!

And when I get into the depressive state, it's literally so awful because when I'm around people it can seem like I'm absolutely okay, but wow if people saw me at my worst.. It's so bad !!

I don't know, I mean I know that everyone goes through everything I've mentioned.. I just feel something isn't quite right with me.

I know I need to go to a doctors but it's so hard to get them to see how I'm actually feeling without seeing me in that state, because when I'm describing it in person it sounds so trivial and like it's nothing.

What are your guys' thoughts?
Could I be bipolar?
7 Opinion