What race are you and do you use the N word?

Not gonna lie as embarrassing as it is to admit, I used to say the n word when I was like 14 or 15 years old (I’m white)
My logic back then was that it’s just a word and it’s not racist if I use it in certain contexts.

as I got older, I educated myself on why black people have reclaimed the term. (I also started surrounding myself with more POC instead of hanging out with the ignorant ass white kids I used to be friends with)
And now I realize that it’s not appropriate for a white person to use the word in any context. I haven’t used the word in years and I wouldn’t be comfortable ever saying it again.
I’m black and I use the n word
I’m black and I don’t use the n word
I’m not black and I use the n word
I’m not black and I don’t use the n word
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+1 y
can’t believe I expected non-ignorant responses on this site lol
What race are you and do you use the N word?
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