If someone purposely wronged you badly, is it also ok to NEVER forgive?

Many people preach about forgiving and letting go for yourself. What if you've chosen to block them permanently and never forgive? That's also a choice.

These are my 3 categories:
Mild incidents... I can let it slide afterall everyone makes mistakes
Moderate, debatable... you should've thought about it, I'm debating whether to forgive or not
Serious/severe... don't even show your face, you've been blocked permanently

Serious things are harming my family, purposely faking a future (faking love), cheating, stealing from me, etc. Harming, cheating or using people aren't an ''oops, I've made a mistake'' thing. Is it ok not to forgive too if they've wronged you badly?
Yes, there is a limit to forgiving
No, you must always forgive no matter what
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The way it works with me is once you've wronged me, you don't get to choose anymore and I don't care about your apology. You're not in control anymore. Only I get to choose to forgive or not.
If someone purposely wronged you badly, is it also ok to NEVER forgive?
10 Opinion