Why do some cities have less attractive people than others?

For example, I haven’t met many guys who I’m attracted to in my city. There was a few in the past that I wanted to date but they’re already taken. I’ve been using a dating app and most of the guys that I see on there look like they don’t take care of themselves (hair, skin, teeth etc). And their personality/behavior is ehh. Even in real life it’s the same thing if not worse

I don’t mean to come off shallow, I’m not looking for a guy based only for his looks. And a lot of the guys smoke weed and I don’t want a partner who smoke, shows off money etc. That turns me off.

I ran into other guys from a different city or state and they look more groomed, better dressed hygienic etc.

And please don’t get me wrong, yes there are attractive and unattractive people everywhere, hell I’m unattractive to some people and attractive to others.

I just wonder if it’s an environmental thing? How does one city have a lot of people looking rough, and the other city a lot of people look more friendly?

Again, I don’t mean to sound shallow or offend anyone. It’s something I noticed and if anyone could educate me I appreciate it.
Why do some cities have less attractive people than others?
1 Opinion