Should men stop being shirtless?

Let's think about hot weathers, like 25°C to 50°C. Men are roaming around shirtless while women are wearing clothes (with bra and probably another layer inside). Both are feeling hot but women are having it worse especially with no air cooler around. But women cannot go topless because it's nudity but for men it's normal and he is feeling burned out. Since it's a matter of public decency, shouldn't guys be decent too? Also many women feel uncomfortable around topless guys just like many guys feel uncomfortable around topless girls. But girls don't complain because a guy being shirtless is normal. But shouldn't both be decent?

Yes. Men shouldn't be topless.
No. Men shouldn't be topless.
Yes. No one should be topless.
No. Everyone should have a right to be topless.
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Should men stop being shirtless?
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