How y’all are you?

I’m like 5’3 LMAOOOOO. I’m a fucking oompa loompa bro. *willy Wonka flute sound*

I don’t care about being short, I’ve come to accept it lmao. God might have not blessed me with height but he blessed me with a cute face and a big dick so whatever 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I guess you can’t have it all 🤭 LMAOOOOO

Nah but for real if I was taller, it would be over for you bitches. When I grow another 6 inches, hide your girlfriends. Hide your boyfriends. It’s over for y’all. Still waiting on that growth spurt but it’s gonna happen. Wait on it LOLLLL

1 y
Title is supposed to say “how tall are you” obviously.
Can a mod fix that for me? lol. Y’all be changing up the titles of my questions all the time so come through on this one too
How y’all are you?
Post Opinion