How far back can throwback genes go?

They're genes that were dormant and it suddenly reappears after a long while. What can be made of this:

This might sound crazy but I have a friend that doesn't look anything like her Mexican parents. Both are the traditional brown-skinned folks with indigenous features, dark brown to black hair and mid-dark brown eyes. They have 3 kids. She's the oldest (25 years old) and the only one different from the others. She's white, has strawberry blonde hair and bluish-grey eyes. Absolutely nothing like her parents nor her 2 siblings, nor anyone in the family.

When she was born, they initially thought the nurses gave them the wrong baby. They requested a DNA test done but it showed positive; she's their biological child. The mother doesn't know of any whites in her family, none. The father is different case. It turned out there were a couple white ancestors in his side but they're long, long dead already. That's far back. Yet he turned out to be a carrier of the white genes.

How far back can genes go? Those ancestors from the guy's side are long dead already. How many generations can throwback genes skip?

How far back can throwback genes go?
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