How Heart Is It To Understand?


When was the heart (officially) 'named?'

How Heart Is It To Understand?

When did people find out we even had a heart and lungs?

Shakespeare and probably many other ancient writers of arts, and even some probably in philosophy, mention the heart, and associate that with love and emotions.

Clearly, the heart is just a muscle.

Why also, do we feel sadness in our hearts?

Why not, when we are sad, we feel aches in our toes.

Stress can cause us headaches, especially if the muscles around the head tighten, I believe.

An injured toe would not cause a headache. (Not traditionally, I suppose, but if stressful enough, possibly).

Are headaches really just caused by whatever causes our body to produce stress-related chemicals, and cause us to tense up? Even a big-enough fear could cause us so much adrenaline or anxiety, we could have a headache, and for some reason, we have headaches when we yell too much or shout- whether it is due to stress, or simple play.

I'm curious about all of this, but more so the heart. <3

Someone, somewhere, believed love came from the heart, probably because whenever they felt sad, physiologically, their heart muscle and their core, really, is what felt the most ache.

Our body can shut down to stress, and hopeless romantics say one could die from a "broken heart." Is it really just a weak heart? A weak or high blood pressure, which gets triggered from their stress, and that stress being caused by the thing they focused on, and aggravated them?- In this case love? or the lack of it?

- when was the heart named?

- why do we feel pain in our chest, when sad? (most commonly felt in hardships, with love lives)

- True or False? any discomfort we feel in our bodies are not caused by the personal things we value, but instead, caused as a physical response to stress?

How Heart Is It To Understand?
How Heart Is It To Understand?

(All images sourced from Google)

1 y
Oh my god- I just watched another episode of my fave show- and it had something with head and heart. I get this ONE is common, but it only adds to the endless list of things I think or speak about and then A FRIGGIN DAY LATER IT POPS UP IN THE SHOW. If you don't know what I'm talking about check this link on my post:

[ My Appreciation Post ] for my favorite show 😏 (can’t stop talking about it) ↗
1 y
21 hours later LMAO
How Heart Is It To Understand?
3 Opinion