HOW to use techniques for protection from narcissist abuse in real-time?

I've read many many really superb answers here regarding how to handle oneself when interacting with a narcissist. And I truly commend anyone who is able to do that. It is something I just can't seem to get a grasp of. To remain objective, protect emotions, etc in an attempt to repel the narcissist away.
I'm a super emotional person and my very expressive face gives me away. Every. Single. Time.

Please don't get me wrong, all of the techniques I've read about make sense and seem achievable. But only if you're NOT caught up in the moment, and in hindsight.

*It just doesn't work in the moment, AS IT IS HAPPENING.*

That's why narcissists can twist you up. Cuz you're already sensitive and reeling from their trespasses, they just slightly trigger you and it's off to the races.

So my query is: “HOW to use these techniques in real-time?” THAT, is what I need to learn.
HOW to use techniques for protection from narcissist abuse in real-time?
HOW to use techniques for protection from narcissist abuse in real-time?
2 Opinion