12 d

Is there a (preferably controversial) subject you simply have no opinion on?


Simply because you yourself recognise that you just don't understand the issue, or don't have the relevant expertise in order to actually have an opinion that mattered. Why are so few people willing to simply say, "I have no opinion on this subject"?

12 d
I don't have an opinion on whether one should put both of one's socks on first before putting on the shoes, or putting on one sock and shoe and then the other sock and shoe. I also don't care if one threads a belt through the right loop first, or the left. I also don't care about which hand is used to hold the fork, if using a knife and fork. I hold the fork in my right hand, because I'm right handed, but everyone else does it the other way. So bizarre.
11 d
It's interesting that some here are actually expressing an opinion about something, when I specifically asked for an example of something you had NO opinion about, because you just didn't care or... some other reason (ex. complete and total ignorance of the issue). For instance, a person could say, "I have no opinion regarding the Gaza conflict, because the issue is just far too nuanced and complicated for any one person to fully comprehend." Something like that.
Is there a (preferably controversial) subject you simply have no opinion on?
26 Opinion