24 d

Need help. I’m hating everything and anything?

I am loosing interest in every human. Mostly it is negative experiences. I’m also not liking me for some reason. Every time I have an argument, I cry. Although I hate to cry in front of people.
I don’t like it when people ask me to be something that I’m not. My parents arguing with me when I express genuine concerns which include lack of space to open my car.

Random people asking when I would get married but the whole concept of marriage irks me from head to toe. My sister forcing me to marry in 2 years.

Ghe only good thing in life is my corporate job and my sick old pup. Apparently people are asking me to lock him up as he attracts housefly and shead due to his skin condition and belittle my corporate job.

I feel I need to find a new home but I’m not doing it since the pay is less and I’m planning to save as much as I can while saving on rent and gas. Apparently I pay for my food and all other needs and even contribute to household and bills.

Need help. I’m hating everything and anything?
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