- 28 d
As long as he is making a livable wage (and is not in crime or working 14 hour days for the rest of his life) I'm fairly open. A guy who works honestly with either his mind or his hands is very attractive.
I've got a thing for entrepreneurs and guys who do startups (who are actually capable of making a plan, working hard and following through). I also would love someone who is a general contractor; then he can help make my interior design ideas a reality, LOL. :D
But really, my big dealbreaker is gaming. I would not date someone who does that on the regular. I mean, an occasional game to veg out or relax is one thing, but from what I've observed, guys who game can't just do it now and then. But at some point, we become adults and need to actually have a life. But guys who game all the time tend to be escaping or avoiding reality, and I would want someone who loves and is fulfilled in reality. Life is not easy, but we must face that.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 25 d
Past something that provides the basics for our family, it could be anything that speaks to his passions in life. Something that he would be happy to spend his time on because so much of his time will be spent doing it. I want him to be happy to go to work and happy to come home. I guess, I just want him happy! lol
00 Reply
555 opinions shared on Other topic. Ah I have answered on this indirectly.
I want a caring professional like a waitress - they are the serving end of a service industry. Most likely you are thinking Nah, they don't give a shit and spit into your food. And you are right but there are some real gems who do care and you need to have the wit to recognize them. In my cafe precinct there are waitresses who are proud of having a following and that if they change cafes their following will follow.
What I am arguing is that you want a spouse to be caring and cooperative. You are most likely to find that in a caring profession. Are IT chicks caring? Nup. They would be somewhere else if they were. As an IT guy I know to stay away from them.
27 Reply- 26 d
She is 6 years older than me. A while, from late 93 till mid 97 she lived with a friend of mine. They broke up and he became pyschotic. We're not friends anymore but she and I remained friends. I hear she is married but this was about 10 years ago. I haven't talked with her since 2007. I misplaced her number or something. Maybe I'll give her a blast from the past soon. She lives about 50 miles away.
- 28 d
I'll go with... god-empress. That way, I'd have an excuse to wear a cape. And I have deep voice that carries remarkably well and would be VERY suited to shouting "Release the kraken!", which pretty much limits you to divine rulership or working at a REALLY rough-and-tumble sushi restaurant.
I mean, it's that or marry Danny Sexbang.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- u28 d
My wife works in a grocery store. I don't care what she does as long as she is productive and happy.
20 Reply 3K opinions shared on Other topic. Anything blue collar is sexy
32 Reply491 opinions shared on Other topic. cop, detective, fed, soldier, indie singer/rapper or band member, actor, artist, paramedic, pilot, security guard, lawyer, reporter/journalist, professional athlete (especially in stuff like boxing, mma, etc), plastic surgeon, model, researcher/scientist, flight attendant, doctor or nurse, stylist, hip hop pro dancer, bouncer, politician, ceo, social worker, personal trainer, finance or hairdresser
10 Reply- 27 d
As long as he's not in a mafia or something.. lol! I would love him to have a reliable career or business, but of course a business is not strictly required. His job could be anything, that could also sustain a family's needs.. also varies if he wants multiple kids. 😆
00 Reply I just want him to earn an average or above average wage. If I date somebody who was earning a below average wage I would worry they are just using me or pretending to like me for money
20 Reply621 opinions shared on Other topic. Whatever makes him happy so he’s not overly stressed/anxious and miserable.
40 Reply- 27 d
Well, my wife is a criminal defense attorney. But goddamn sometimes I wish she was a fucking truck driver. She never seems to leave her work at work. I’m a union iron worker, and I never bring my work home. Fuck that I have enough to deal with when I’m at work.
00 Reply - 28 d
I tend to like nurses, I mean they have to be a very kind caring person to choose a profession that entails nursing people back to health, and they do way more than the doctor.
00 Reply - 28 d
Sex worker. They make a lot of money and know how to please a woman in bed.
Doesn’t matter as long as she enjoys what she is doing.00 Reply - 28 d
I don't care as long as it's not something illegal, lol. Whatever makes him happy and he likes doing.
10 Reply 769 opinions shared on Other topic. Something he truly enjoys and finds fulfilling based on his skills and gifts.
10 Reply405 opinions shared on Other topic. Anything he wants, I just don't want him to work himself to the bone.
I wouldn't want him to come home everyday exhausted and stressed.
10 Reply1.9K opinions shared on Other topic. I always had a thing for psychologists because thats what I would have done if I was a girl.
12 Reply3.1K opinions shared on Other topic. Linguist, mathematician, or electrical engineer. I want to get my geek/nerd on with her.
10 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Other topic. Anything, that isn't a gold digger, sex worker or being a useless leech like the type of girls, that Andrew Tate has chosen in his harem is good enough for me in that particular aspect.
00 Reply16.2K opinions shared on Other topic. Something normal hopefully and not a only fans girl or anything of that nature.
20 Reply809 opinions shared on Other topic. Something that brings good money but doesn't demand total sacrifice of private life.
00 Reply- 28 d
Anything really just maybe not something in the public eye like model or something
10 Reply - 27 d
That's a simple answer... whatever she wants her profession to be.
00 Reply 4.5K opinions shared on Other topic. As long as he is not a politician or a cop, I don't care what he does.
10 Reply- 27 d
It makes no difference to me as long as she is happy doing it and her job doesn't negatively affect our relationship or our family.
00 Reply - 28 d
She works either part-time on her feet (retail) or part-time in an office / white collar role 🤍 ♀️ no heels 👠😁
01 Reply- 28 d
Sneakers, not boots. Or shoes 👟 👞
- 28 d
I would say actor but then I don’t want him to be making out with other people. Maybe if he got a job playing a detective or something
20 Reply 417 opinions shared on Other topic. How about an artist. Paint, oil and canvass. Naturally successful.
10 Reply4.3K opinions shared on Other topic. Preference would be a professional athlete but that's not going to happen XD
00 Reply- 28 d
Activist or Something like that.
Veterinarian even
10 Reply I don’t particularly care. I love nurse scrubs though.
10 Reply- 28 d
I'm bias towards dentist because my mom is one, so dentist.
I like lawyer also.00 Reply - u28 d
homemade Cheeto baker...
23 Reply- 27 d
10.2K opinions shared on Other topic. Something in the healthcare field.
20 Reply- 28 d
Teacher. Professor. 🎓
20 Reply - 28 d
White collar or self employment
20 Reply Any thing outside of sex industry
10 Reply- 16 d
Solo indie game dev.
00 Reply - 26 d
Ballet teacher
00 Reply - 28 d
Pipeline welder
00 Reply - 26 d
Sugar momma
00 Reply - 28 d
A nurse
20 Reply - 28 d
10 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Other topic. Idc.
00 ReplyMMasseur
12 Reply- 28 d
@BetaBucks Of course
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