What is your opinion of a hair transplant?

Should a person do it or not do it?

It's not about not having confidence. I am okay with a shaved head as well although I am told it makes me less attractive.

But, I also feel that I am young and should have hair. If this happened late in life then that would not have been an issue.

Also, it is not always convinient to shave ones head and as someone pointe out to me...it can take more effort than even styling your hair.

Plus hair/no-hair really changes your appearence...

Lastly, people get things such as braces for their teeth done all the time. And hair transplant is not even that...you are not adding something you never had but instead just fixing your look to your normal self.

What do you think? Should a guy get it done for his own satisfaction?
What is your opinion of a hair transplant?
4 Opinion