Can a lisp be cute in a college aged girl? Or are lisps a turn off?

I have a slight lisp and I hate it. My tongue kind of peeps out when I try to say an s or a sound like an s.

I hate it and I think I look so weird when I'm speaking.. It makes me feel self conscious.

A lot of people tell me it's not really noticeable. When I talk people can understand me for the most part, except for when I get really excited or nervous.

I have noticed when I'm excited or nervous and trying to talk that some people stare at my mouth, kind of like they are trying to read my lips because they can't understand me :/

Does anybody know how to get rid of it? I would rather not have to go to a speech therapist because I don't have money lol.

Are there some guys out there that possibly find lisps cute? Or are they a turn off? :/
Can a lisp be cute in a college aged girl? Or are lisps a turn off?
13 Opinion