One Of The Main Reasons: Why You Keep Choosing The Wrong Guy/Girl

One Of The Main Reasons: Why You Keep Choosing The Wrong Guy/Girl.

Almost every relationship you've encountered has had a negative outcome.

Possible reasons below:

  • You were lied to.

  • You were cheated on.

  • You were verbally/physically abused.

  • You were emotionally/physically neglected.

After it happening time and time again, you are forced to ask yourself these questions:

"What is wrong with me? Why does every one treat me this way? Am I unworthy?"

The negative outcome of every relationship you've had, further damages your self esteem.

As someone from the outside looking in I will say,

No, there is nothing wrong with you. You are not unworthy. You are a person of value, who chooses the wrong people who take what you have to offer for granted.

One Of The Main Reasons: Why You Keep Choosing The Wrong Guy/Girl

You're such a welcoming and accepting person. You give many different types of people a chance. You might see negative qualities in them from the get go, but you don't weed any one out. You give each person a fair shot to prove themselves. Sure, I agree that it's great to be open and accepting. But there comes a time when being "too nice" can and will work against you. You have to set a standard for yourself . That is not what you have been doing all along.

You have to operate like a filter. You have to weed the impurities out. Sure, some of them will still pass through but what you will see before your eyes is a better selection. If someone is showing a significant amount of negative qualities from the beginning, don't take that chance with them. We all have qualities that everyone isn't fond of, but if these characteristics are alarming do not look past them. Set a standard for yourself, before you proceed any further. You do not want to complicate things by getting your feelings involved.

If you welcome any one, in any shape or form chances are you will continuously go through the same heartbreaks time and time again. You will continue the cycle you have had in all of your previous relationships. It will hurt even more time, and time again because your wounds will deepen. You will find yourself growing cold and angry at the world.

There comes a time in our lives, where we shouldn't only look at the actions of others but we must also look at our own.

  • Why does this keep happening to me?

  • Why does every one I enter into a relationship with wrong me in some way?

Each and every person is accountable for their actions. You can't control that you were lied to and betrayed, but you have to think why does this pattern keep occurring?

One Of The Main Reasons: Why You Keep Choosing The Wrong Guy/Girl

Love yourself enough to not lend your heart to just anyone.

One Of The Main Reasons: Why You Keep Choosing The Wrong Guy/Girl
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