Things guys need to know about girls and things girls should tell their men!

things guys need to know about girls

GUYS, "I'm Fine" means "I'm not OK".

GIRLS, stop saying you're FINE

GUYS, stop trying to fix everything, just let me vent and then tell me it will be OK.

GIRLS, let your men know you just need him to listen.

GUYS, take your woman out for God's sake.

GIRLS, let your man know exactly what you need, they literally cannot read your mind.

GUYS, listen and respond, it's hard to be open and honest sometimes, we need to feel heard and we want you to take action or we will think you don't care

GIRLS, it's a learning curve, give your man some time.

GUYS, take time to make sure your woman is OK before jumping into your hobbies.

GIRLS, use your words, let your man do his thing.

EVERYONE, stop being passive aggressive, it makes a huge mess.

GUYS, PMS means snuggle me, give me food I like and do just one thing to show me your trying to make me feel better. Don't take the moodyness personally.

GIRLS, explain how emotional you get when dealing with that time of the month.

(the world is ending and I don't know why)

GIRLS, men get moody too, talk to them about what they need, don't go mom on them, or bitchy girlfriend.

GUYS, be honest, finding out what you need by experiencing the after math of you not getting it rather than by your honesty is hurtful and frankly maddening.

GIRLS, don't take things so personally.

GUYS, don't assume because we always do it we want to, it's labor of love, it must be reciprocated.

Blow jobs are to be distributed equilly.

Learn each others communication styles.

Don't text over relational issues.

Listen to what the body language of your singnificant other is telling you.

Stop putting your best foot forward.

Communicate! Most of the time it is as simple as a small well phrased question to find out you were assuming to much in the first place.

Don't get defensive, know that staying calm creates a safe environment to work through disagreements.

Things guys need to know about girls and things girls should tell their men!
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