Sometimes, a girlfriend can solve all your problems

Do you know that stereotypical awkward, lonely, nervous, shy average guy? Yup, that's me. As a result of bullying in my childhood, I became a prime example of that stereotype, and the consequence? 20 years of loneliness and rejection. Even though I had awesome friends, there was always something(or someone) lacking in my life. I was feeling a massive void, but I didn't know where it was coming from.

Some time passed, all my friends got a girlfriend and I suddenly realized what was missing in my life. But things never went my way, it's just like I was The thought of having a girlfriend was always in the back of my mind, although I could hide it very well. Literally everytime I saw a girl, I immediately thought about relationship possibilities(cringeworthy, I know). My dreams mostly consisted of having a girlfriend, kissing a girl and holding her in my arms. Everytime I liked a girl, I immediately gave up, I was always rejected, there was no way that someone could have a crush on me. I cried, I gave up on life, my grades, motivation and overall happiness dropped considerably. Then I decided to go to the internet for advice, only to be told that "if you're not happy by yourself, you won't be happy in a relationship", "a girlfriend will not solve all your problems", "if you're lonely, having a girlfriend won't fix anything", "fix yourself, then look for a girlfriend", "you won't find anyone if you keep on going like that". I immediately regretted the decision of coming to the internet, as they think that everything is completely linear. The belief that I was going to die alone and never loved was starting to consume me thanks to these words.

I was never active on Twitter, I only created one because a friend of mine said it was a cool way to meet new people. He was right. I got some new friends, since my old ones were too busy with their relationships or getting into new ones for the sake of it. In one particular twitter meeting, my friend saw the girl I had a crush on and decided to be my wingman. He introduced me to her, while I was like "I have nothing to lose. I'm always rejected and this time isn't going to be different". Despite all of this, I joked about her hair looking like a cartoon character's, in an attempt to flirt with her. She laughed at my joke. Eventually, we started being good friends, but obviously I wanted way more than that, but even with failure in the back of my mind, I started giving signs that I was interested. Turns out that she was also "watching" me the whole time. We started dating in August, and it's been what I always wanted: someone who I love and loves me back, someone who thinks I'm special, someone who accepts my insecure side and works with me to overcome our flaws as people.

Since she walked into my life, my self-confidence grew immensely, my motivation has never been this high, my grades are as high as they should be. My life is basically perfect right now, all because of her. Finally, I have someone who I love and loves me back, someone who loves me for who I am, who I can hug and kiss and share my life with.

My point is: sometimes, a girlfriend CAN solve ALL your problems. It can give you just the motivation, confidence and love that you need to be happy. Paraphrasing The Beatles: sometimes, love is all you need.

Sometimes, a girlfriend can solve all your problems

Sometimes, a girlfriend can solve all your problems
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