The War on Relationships


Heartbreak is something each one of us experiences at one point or another in our lifetime. This starts as early as in childhood. Many left with traumas and examples of relationships that scar us with so much fear that we cover them up with masks of power or indifference. Sometimes we fight sometimes we take a flight.

What I see is that a majority of people who are either lonely outside of a relationship or distressed and lonely inside a relationship. The dance of love starts with a mixture of beauty and fear. Many times ends just before it starts as the masks are glued to one, letting fear and ego take the driving seat. Not letting the other person being able to see for who you really are. Even though he or she may compliment that mask with matching pieces of their own mask when flipped around.

These are cycles of voids and lacks, changing the roles of love addiction and love avoidance from giver to taker, while taking turns.

The war on relationships

It is not merely that we are battling just as man and woman on the field of love, the generals it seems are like invisible grey handed wizards behind the curtains. Our minds have been locked up in certain beliefs and information packages, which have also been passed down from our parents and their parents. I always feel that someone out there either does not want us to have natural love among us or is making the challenge bigger every time so we can understand more of its deep depths and hyper intelligent omnipresence.

Media, hollywood, family laws, education, subliminal advertising and oversexualization are just some psychological warfare methods no one seems to take into consideration when blaming the opposite sex for weak behavior. But also the judgement seems to overweigh its purpose when we forget the fact that nobody is perfect. We naturally have flaws because we are still evolving beings.

To deserve a love relationship that could end in marriage, you have to simply grow up and act mature. And then there will be those who say: "who needs a man or a woman", "being single is great" or "love does not exist". They will portray their bodies as if it were the purpose of love and relationship for exchange of pleasure. Sadly, they will not be able to experience a deep emotional merger of two people that are captivated into a higher level of fulfilling joy in heart, mind and body. A sexual merger deeply infusing that levitates your energy into a realm, which only two people who truly love each other can experience.

The War on Relationships

It draws out the highest frequency of feminine and masculine energies, whereas the woman can flow within a vast space of creative beauty and be safe in the man's regenerated masculine calm and rock solid saftey of boundaries that protect her.

This builds a strong foundation for a new family. But for the power lusty, a family is too strong to be oppressed, to be controlled or harmed. A family takes up a fight against wrong doers. Parents will always want to protect their children fiercely if someone came and tried to harm their minds, souls or bodies. Consumption prevailing sustainability, so we have learned to consume relationships also.

Our entire system needs change, for that we need to change our view on relationships. Careers are rotten masquerade without family or love. Somehow we have also been poisoned in our mind that relationships are such a burden that they would leave us less successful or compromising our self realizations. In fact the opposite is true. A good partner will always push you and bring the best out in you, so that you are happier. Once we have freed our minds and then most importantly our spirits, we can truly grasp the meaning of love and relationships. They are air to our spirit.

But before going into any relationship become free from ego attachements, free from external motives and know thyself enough. One has to be mature enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable, because that is exactly what is missing these days. Fake display of strength, which especially women with their inuitive power can smell a mile away is not attractive and not trustworthy for relationships. Same goes for both men and women. Having anxiety of future outcomes will destroy your happiness, because happiness is now, it is a journey.

The War on Relationships

The grey eminence perptuating the warfare methods also just silently scream for love. They want all your love. If anyone ever saw the stanford prison experiment, than you will know how good people turn evil. It is where those who are supposed to guard us, take out their darkest sides on us. And that happens in any possible share of power. The power needs to be where it belongs, just within the individuals. Take your power back. Take your mind and spirit back. Only then you will have a KNOWING of what is right and wrong with the relationship you have with yourself, with someone else and with the world. Life is all about relationships.

The only powerful thing you can do is draw out the answers from within. Meditate, exercise, talk openly and fearlessly. Live your truth. Become content and thus happy. To make happiness work you need to share it and give your unique gift to the world. This is how you win the battle. To win the war you have to be willing to open your heart, own your fear and ego. Then take the most powerful armour in the world that resides within you, love. Love people. All it means is do it so without expectancy or need for an outcome. Only then love will shine back on you with someone you want to share it with deeply, profoundly and lasting...

The War on Relationships
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