No Excuses...Cheating is never worth it!

Cheating is never worth it...

First of all, I'm not saying I'm perfect. So, don't tell me that I would succomb to the temptation of lust, because I probably might. But I do my best to resist.

With that being said, there are numerous reasons why cheating is never right - even revenge cheating. Following are some excuses that people use for cheating, with reasons below that:

"Well, we never spend time with each other anymore. What else could I do?" Leave! Tell him/her that it doesn't seem to be working out between us.

"He/she cheated on me! Are you telling me that I can't retaliate?" No. You can retaliate by leaving his/her cheating ass and maybe telling their cheating acquaintance about it.

"I love her/him, but this other girl/guy is so hot. I couldn't resist. I'm too weak" Then tell your significant other that you lust for another girl/guy. Oh, by the way? You ain't too weak - you just plain pathetic.

Reasons? Passing STDs is a very well known one. If you ever gave a shit, you are increasing your chances of having an STD passed onto your kid(s) when they grow up - or start to. Another reason is someone may be mentally unstable could kill you and your cheating acquaintance. Are you really ready to meet your Maker this soon? Getting a woman/girl pregnant is also another reason that has problems of its own (abortion, statutory rape, child support, domestic violence, etc).

No excuses are worth it for cheating.

No Excuses...Cheating is never worth it!
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