Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend


Why I don’t need boyfriend?


Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend

I adore who I am “wart and all.”

I don’t need someone to tell me I am “Amazing.”

Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend

I don’t plan on having kids.

Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend

I feel comfortable with myself like a warm jacket.

I can pay my own bills.

Good friends are more valuable and long lasting.

Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend

When things get hard or I don’t see a way out, I ask for others to help because I can’t fix everything.

I enjoy my free time.

I think I can improve my life and make myself a better person.

Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend

I have guts to change even if I know it won’t be easy. 🍎

Why I Don't Need a Boyfriend
22 Opinion