4 Common Mistakes Made in Social Relationships - from a Machiavellian


1. People act or even say they listen, in truth, they’re just nodding.

Women, often enough, can attest to this when it comes to men. It’s amusing how people still behave the way they do, despite your objections.

4 Common Mistakes Made in Social Relationships - from a Machiavellian

2. The small problems aren’t noticed or attempted to be fixed until they become dramatic.

The cracks in the dam, often are there, even up close. The dam, regardless typically breaks.

Ex: Police corruption and US debt

4 Common Mistakes Made in Social Relationships - from a Machiavellian

3. People don’t realize how their behaviors impact those around them, especially in the long run

Perhaps the most critical, although, similar to #2, the small details aren’t registered.

4. Avoiding directness with issues

Barring dating relationships, friends will often avoid telling you the truth or state nothing is wrong simply to avoid arguments or risk losing the friendship.

4 Common Mistakes Made in Social Relationships - from a Machiavellian

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4 Common Mistakes Made in Social Relationships - from a Machiavellian
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