Finding Love this New Year

Finding Love this New Year

Believe me, love is a beautiful thing, nothing can be compared to it. Love can take you unimaginable heights. Just as I mentioned in my earlier mytake, when it comes to relationships attraction plays a great part. Have you ever wondered how the so call ugly people by looks still get attracted to the most beautiful people? This means attraction goes beyond physical beauty. Never condemn yourself to be ugly because that is not the major thing. Attraction is in intelligence, cleanliness, maturity, humility, honesty, modesty, openness, sensible conversation and more. These are qualities people look for. Let me throw more light on these qualities.

Maturity, this does not come from how old a person is, but it is simply the principles a person has imbibe over time. When it comes to relationships the first thing that is need to survive the wrong thoughts, the various presumptions that goes through the head, the emotional threats is Maturity.

Maturity is applying intelligence and self-control in handling issues of relationships. For a person to decide to pick you over the other, you must display maturity. I have read here how people get bothered, distressed, worried when their partner does not to pick their calls or reply their messages. When such things happen be calm, don’t call the life out of your phone. Don’t move faster than the person you are falling or planning to fall in love with. Move at the same pace and step, what this means is that you should not hurriedly conclude until your hear, and until you proof. This will help safe you heartbreak. In cases like the above, do not jump to conclusion, maintain your positive side, be happy, don’t let your emotions get you. The truth is that people are not attracted to sad people, so positivity and happiness in all situations is a plus. When a person is serious, be serious too, when a person is less serious, then take him/her so. This simply ensures balance. But do not sacrifice your values for cheap things. Always sacrifice what is low to achieve the high.

Finding Love this New Year

Everyone needs a role model, so be one in your relationship. Be known for something good, do not join the crowd to do the wrong, but always pull the crowd to the right side. In trying to convince people about the truth do it in a polite way. People often say confidence is a turn on in relationships, yes it is. Confidence is developed from doing and keeping to the right things. Confidence is having an unwavering positive attitude to things.

There is attraction in neatness and cleanliness. No doubts the popular saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Dirt, sadness, showing negative emotions are all unattractive. People don’t want to be involved in negative things, because these things pulls them down. Stay up and positive in whatever you are doing, don’t let poor results pull you, keep trying and learn from every situation because that is the only way forward. Cleanliness involves in and out, not just your clothes, but your body, house, spirit and soul, in short anything you come in contact with.

Humility attracts but pride builds a barrier and makes it difficult for people to come closer. When it comes to relationships put aside your education, success, career, wealth and put forth your heart. Your heart is where the values of relationship lies. Look deep into your heart and pull out happiness, commitment, hope, kindness, and show it forth.

Finding Love this New Year
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