Should people in a relationship add each other on social media in this day and age?

Should people in a relationship add each other on social media in this day and age?

Social media is probably one of the most dangerous tools available to date. It's funny how the single click of a button can bring up so much history, and perhaps even lead to the break up of a relationship or a marriage.

Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are, in my eyes, have been developed into free modern spy sites, where partners are able to see who their SO is friending/liking photos of/commenting on/ looking at, as well as even being able to track whether they're talking to anyone else through a 'score' on Snapchat and the use of maps to find where they are at that exact moment.

Not only is this all becoming an invasion of privacy, but it is also damaging to the ego of the SO who decides to go for a harmless snoop. You delve in too deep you end up finding something which in your head means something awful, but in reality, means nothing at all.

The click of a like button on a social media site to appreciate a chick's bikini body or a good looking guy's gym photo, can suddenly, in the other persons eyes become a marriage proposal or a declaration of love.

Men and women have very different ways of dealing with jealousy. For a male, a like on a picture may mean nothing, that they simply thought the girl looked nice (which they have the right to), then they continue to scroll through their feed because they aren't purposely looking for this content, and it is within their nature to appreciate it. For a female however, seeing your partner like another hot girls photo, can lead to them mentally damaging themselves through the creation of potential scenarios.

The temptation to stalk your partner can become an issue, because you never know what you're going to find, so surely it's best not to add them. Some would say it's down to trust, but this is not necessarily the case at all. You could completely trust your SO, but by seeing they liked Hot Girl Number 1's photo 2 days ago on your following feed on Instagram, could send your mind into a spin, asking the question what if?

In order to avoid the hurt, the potential finger pointing, isn't it best that we just aren't friends on social media?

Should people in a relationship add each other on social media in this day and age?
1 Opinion