8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge


Well although my boyfriend still wants redemption my relationship has technically reached it's end.

So I want you guys to know a few red flags I have acknowledged but chosen to ignore along the way. If you see these things don't ignore them.

1. He's stingy with money

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge

On our first date my train was cancelled and he offered a lift. I said I felt bad and said I could give him some petrol money, I only had a tenner and he accepted it. It takes half hour to get from him to mine. This was a running theme, once he got me some milk for when I stayed (I'm lactose intolerant) then asked me to pay for half of it. If he ever got me anything he brought it up weeks later to use against me or as a resentful passing comment.
Being cautious is a good thing, but you need to pay attention when he's not cautious with himself, only you.

2. He makes 'jokes' about things that aren't funny

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge
I once said it would be nice to be made to feel special on Valentine's so he planned to take me away for a night. In conversation he said wouldn't it be funny if a couple took each other away each weekend for Valentine's. When a guy makes a joke like this that has no humour in it whatsoever he's playing mind games. He wants you to do something but doesn't want to suggest it because he knows you'll get mad or feel uncomfortable so when you do react like that he can say it was just a joke.

3. He makes everything your fault

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge
He had multiple attempts at an audition video which he was working on and I text to ask how it was going (unaware that he was still trying to get it right), as he was in the middle of it this was the response I got back "Great, that was my one good run through, now I have to do it again." He had already blamed me for messing up a live audition because he drank coffee and stayed up playing games instead of rehearsing. I mentioned to him about rehearsing and he said it'll be ok I already know it, let's play my PlayStation and said about the coffee, but he insisted that he wanted it. If he can't admit when he's at fault then he's not mature enough for a relationship. Also instead of learning from his mistakes to avoid damaging his ego he puts it on you.

4. He disrespects other people

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge

This could be anyone, a friend, family member or complete stranger. We were in Morrisons once and the guy serving us had a thick accent, so he decided to impersonate him right in front of him out loud. It was very rude and embarrassing. This was something he did a lot, he spoke his mind but in a way that he would say something even if it was offensive and they could hear it.

5. He disrespects you

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge

He constantly looked at other girls, I don't mean glanced at attractive women, I mean stared. He turned his head so that he wasn't even listening to me. I remember once we went out and a group of young attractive girls were trying to shuffle their feet, the dance move he could do. So he did it to impress them, with me right in front of him. He also asked that I had unprotected sex (I'm not on BC) and told me that fucking and making love are the same thing. In relationships everyone experiences jealously or takes notice of attractive people still but there is a limit and if he's commited he shouldn't cross any boundaries.

6. He wants you to look a certain way or picks fault with your appearance

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge

He'd always show me pics of women dressed in very scanty outfits (they were practically naked) that he had saved to his phone and asked me to dress like it for him. Role play is a bit of fun but when he's constantly asking you to dress up it's a bit of a concern. What was more concerning was that he kept these pics, I never had a problem with porn but saving images I thought was a bit too far.
He also thought that red hair was very hot so he asked me if I would ever go red. I was tempted but it doesn't suit me at all, also making suggestions is fine but not when it's not what you want too. Also he hated that I wore leggings and tried to get me to wear jeans all the time. He even said when I was going for dinner with his family, are you really going to wear those, it is a formal meal.

7. He doesn't make any effort to get on with your family and/or friends

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge

He never asked anything about my family, he knew nothing about my parents or my sister's aside from what I told him and not because he asked. Even when they made him feel welcome and made an effort the conversation would always go back to him again because he had no interest in what anyone else was doing.

8. He can't take constructive criticism or even a joke if it feels like criticism

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge

I once made a joke about him burning food. I have a very sarcastic sense of humour and me and my family always joke around about things like that. He knew it was a joke but instead of accepting it as one he got offended by it, saying my cooking was just as bad and I can do it myself then. I agreed that my cooking was just as bad and said I'd cook it. He hated that even more and when we got to the till in the supermarket he started repeating everything I was saying like a child and in a child's voice. It was extremely frustrating and I don't know any grown men that would do this. Having a laugh and joking around should be part of a relationship and if someone goes to far that should be made known so that the other can apologise. That's a healthy way of dealing with it.

There were plenty more signs but here's just a few to watch out for. This isn't to slate someone I've dated but to warn all of you guys that if you experience anything similar be extremely wary! Or just run. My relationship got so bad I was becoming suicidal and since coming out of it I haven't felt that way at all.

Be careful everyone!

8 Relationship Red Flags You Need to Acknowledge
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