Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

Emotional Abuse : 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

Emotional Manipulator

Emotional manipulators are extremely destructive, very skilful and highly perceptive. Their awareness of your emotions is off the charts. The most powerful mechanism they have for control is manipulating your emotions to maintain control in whatever way they can. They play on your insecurities, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and good intentions, in order to get what they want. They exploit, demean and hurt you, and use diversionary tactics that distort your reality to deflect responsibility. They mold your perception according to what is convenient to them, and undermine your sense of who you are .That’s why it’s vital to know yourself - your own vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and inner self - and arm yourself with knowledge of manipulative behavior and tactics .You will then be able to easily recognize emotional manipulation in your own life. The more power they have over your emotions, the less likely you’ll trust your own reality and the truth about the abuse you’re enduring. Once you've identified an emotional manipulator, you’ll begin to find their behavior more predictable and easier to understand. Maintain an emotional distance, establish boundaries, and develop a plan to regain control over your own life and get away from these toxic dangerous people.

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

6 Types Of Emotional Manipulators

The Self-Esteem Attacker

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

The Self-Esteem Attacker harshly criticizes your appearance and/or character. They belittle you, disrespect you, and make you feel ashamed. Some times in very subtle ways. At first, they compliment you, and make you feel like good about yourself. Over time, their compliments turn into things you need to change about yourself. Your appearance and/or your personality. Their aim is to make you feel inferior, minimize your worth, and lower your self-esteem to gain total control over you.They make malicious remarks at your expense, that are usually dressed up as “just jokes” ,so that they can get away with saying degrading things to you. When you react by becoming angry, defensive or upset at their harsh remarks , they accuse you of having no sense of humor,or that you are far “too sensitive”. This manipulative behavior is a means of controlling your behavior by weakening your confidence, incompetence, self-worth and self-reliance. Gradually, you end up allowing yourself to be controlled in order to avoid being excessively criticized.

When you learn to love yourself, you will stop putting your self -esteem in the hands of people who don't love you.Improve your self-worth by stop giving other people the calculator

The Guilt Tripper

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

The Guilt Tripper takes advantage of your conscience by using manipulation to provoke you into feeling guilty and indebted to them. They're masters at leveraging your guilt to their own advantage. They pretend to be victims, so you feel sorry for them. They know just how to make you feel badly about something by homing in on your insecurities and vulnerabilities. The guilt tripper makes out everything is your fault, and they tell you how you're constantly disappointing them. They remind you of how much they always do for you, and never acknowledge what you do for them

Your time is too valuable to go through life letting people control you and put you on a guilt trip. Take control of your happiness.

The Threatener

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

The Threatener uses emotional manipulation by threatening you into submission. They can't be reasoned with, and they won't make compromises .They may constantly warn you that they'll leave you, and walk away if you don’t do as s/he pleases. Or they may make threats of self-harm if you are the one who wants to leave them. The threatener may even blackmail you by making threats to destroy your reputation, friendships ,future relationships and your career .They may threaten to expose your secrets, or leak photos of you on social media, or to family and friends.

Threats are the weapon of those who feel threatened

The Silent Treatment Giver

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

The Silent Treatment Giver uses manipulation by withdrawing communication, emotions, and sex from until you accomplish their demand. Emotional abusers aren't mature enough to talk about a problem or try to resolve it. So when an emotional manipulator is angry at you, offended by you, or is hurt by something you did or said, they'll give you the silent treatment. Eventually, they will just start acting normal again, and expect you to be grateful they have forgiven you for your "wrongdoing" The silent treatment giver controls your behavior by fear — the fear of rejection & abandonment, and the fear of isolation & disconnection. Emotional manipulators use the silent treatment to punish, test boundaries, avoid responsibility and issues, and to gain control over you

Silence isn't empty .It's full of answers.It speaks volumes about a person's character

The Name-Caller

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

The Name-Caller will criticize your beliefs, perceptions, opinions, appearance, character or behavior.Name-calling is a quick and easy way to put you down, humiliate you, degrade you and insult your intelligence/appearance/behavior while invalidating your right to be a separate person with a right to his/her own opinion.You or your opinions suddenly become “silly” , "stupid", “idiotic” or "ridiculous“ because they can't think of a convincing counterargument. They resort to name-calling when they feel threatened by you, and they can’t think of a better way to manipulate your opinions, or control your emotions. Their aim is undermine your credibility and intelligence in any way they possibly can, because they lack knowledge and can't come up with a good counterargument

Name-calling is the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident

The Constant Victim

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

The Constant Victim player manipulates by ALWAYS playing the victim, but in reality YOU are the one being victimized by them. They believe they deserve exceptional treatment, and they make you feel like you owe them something by telling all the misfortunes s/he has suffered in life. The constant victim will twist and turn any story until they end up being a victim of the situation. Everyone else is responsible for their injustices and problems. Nothing is ever their fault, and they never take responsibility for their life, words, actions and behavior. Even if they do something wrong and admit it, you are the one who caused him/her to mistreat you. Their goal is to manipulate your emotions to make sure that you meet their needs, even if it's at the expense of our own. Gaining sympathy gets them what they want, and it enables them to avoid accountability and responsibility

Beware of perpetrators in disguise ... Some people set fires wherever they go, and have mastered the art of playing the burn victim.

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator

Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self respect, values, morals and self worth.


Emotional Abuse: 6 Signs You Are In A Relationship With An Emotional Manipulator
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