Nice Card - Mean Card - You're too Nice In Your Relationship


Athol Kay - renowned couples advice writer, blogger, and consultant, has released another book:

New book by Athol Kay
New book by Athol Kay

So what’s it about?

Well after a decade of writing about relationships in one form or another, the #1 problem I come across is people are Too Nice and their partner stomps all over them. Doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, being Too Nice, having poor Boundaries, or just trying too hard make it work by walking on eggshells, and it’s just stomp stomp stomp from dawn to dusk.

It sucks.

Being Too Nice is usually a learned strategy from childhood. You aren’t crazy or stupid for being Too Nice. It’s usually quite understandable why you’ve learned to be Too Nice. If you want to throw money at a therapist that’s totally cool, but you really can benefit from finding a new strategy to use right away.

Here’s the core of Nice Card Mean Card: How Nice Guys and Good Girls can Win at Relationships.

The Nice Card is the Agreeable Yes.
The Mean Card is the Disagreeable No.

The Four Rules of the Tit for Tat strategy.
Rule 1: Play Nice Cards by Default.
Rule 2: Retaliate against hostile Mean Cards.
Rule 3: Resume Nice Cards if they are sorry.
Rule 4: Don't feud and try and even up the score.

Nice Card Mean Card will help you win the power games in your relationship, without turning into an angry ogre, or a horrible person.

No more getting stomped on.

Here's the link to the book page and how and where to buy the book:

Recommended reading for anybody that is having relationship problems. This guy is about as good as it gets for navigating failed marriages.

Nice Card - Mean Card - You're too Nice In Your Relationship
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