
My thoughts on single women over 30 as a reformed red pill man.

My thoughts on single women over 30 as a reformed red pill man.

Hello GAGers! So normally I have no problem telling single, childless women passed 30 that they’re failures as women and nobody wants them because their looks fade. With that being said, I was very wrong as far as certain women are concerned. I have two sisters over 30, both single and one 26 year old sister who is recently married. As for the single ones, the oldest is thirty four years old and fits the red pill description of women perfectly. Spent her twenties drinking, partying, whoring around and now has two kids (who I love dearly, mind you) and no husband and she cries about it. She could have had any man she wanted when she was younger. Now, I pity her as she now has an extremely low chance of finding a good man and will likely remain single for life. My other sister (age 31) is what most would call prudish. Refused to have sex until marriage, practicing Christian, joined the peace corps after high school and is now a social worker at a group home. She’s pretty but never married because of her views on sex. She recently got engaged to a really nice man of 35 who she met in church. Until then, I thought she was equally a lost cause in finding a good man as well. Additionally, I recently told my best friend he was crazy for leaving a hot twenty two year old for an overweight 36 year old single mother of two kids. I told him he was becoming a beta man who was taking on a former cock carousel rider with some other man’s kids. He told me that I was wrong on two counts: first of all, the 22 year old was vain and vapid with no morals and second, the 36 year old was a virgin prior to getting raped and giving birth to twins she conceived from the rape and she doesn’t believe in abortion. Additionally she’s compassionate, highly intelligent and supportive of him. Her weight problem has no excuse but I digress.

What I learned from this is that things aren’t always what they seem. Yes we men rag on single mothers but what about the single moms who ended up that way through no fault of their own. I.E. widows or rape victims. What about women like my sister, who was ghosted by every guy she dated because she wouldn’t fuck them. After hounding her for using a beta after screwing up her twenties and putting off finding a husband, she told me she dated extensively throughout her twenties but was always dumped until finally she gave up on finding love. And then my future brother in law came along. He could have had any younger woman he wanted but chose to court my 31 year old sister instead because he wanted a woman who shared his beliefs and values regardless of her age.

What I’ve learned is things aren’t always what they seem. I’m not saying the red pill opinion of 30+ single women is entirely wrong (it’s not) however, it’s not entirely right either. There are definitely women who bitch shielded guys left and right when they were in their prime and try to come back later (I’ve had plenty of those). They make up about 85% of the single women I know who are in my age bracket. But what about the other 15% who were either widowed or overlooked for the carousel riders? I also take into consideration the good girls who did want to date me when I was younger who I overlooked while chasing the carousel riders (most of whom are now happily married). And as for childless women, lets take into consideration the women who can’t conceive due to medical reasons. Does that render them completely worthless?

With that being said, my perception of single women my age has changed drastically. Being over 30 will definitely make it harder for you to find love, but assuming you’re not whoring around or bitter from previous relationships, it’s still possible. And to the men, we need to stop holding all women responsible for the actions of certain bad ones. I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this from the mgtow community however knowing these women were known whores didn’t stop us from chasing them and ignoring other women. We’re right that such women have nobody to blame but themselves for ignoring “nice guys” when we essentially did the same thing. If we chase whores and get our hearts broken, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. If saying that makes me a cuck or a simp, so be it but we have no right to call the kettle black. Luckily reformed carousel riders looking for a handout are easy to sniff out and avoid, and if a woman who did reject you in a bitchy embarrassing way suddenly tries to come back, by all means do it back to her. But stop holding all women responsible for the actions of certain women

My thoughts on single women over 30 as a reformed red pill man.
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