"The Dangers Of Labeling Others"! Do You Live By The Same Standards You Use To Label/Judge Others?

Dont label others the way you dont want to be labeled!!!
Don't label others the way you don't want to be labeled!!!

There is so many people judging others like it is there right to do so.

So this is to address why we shouldn't label/ judge others. Anyways, but especially to those who don't live up to the same standards they put on others.

I start with two inserts from BAHAI TEACHINGS.ORG(very good read)

Judge not lest ye be judged
Judge not lest ye be judged
Look at your own failings before you point out others!!
Look at your own failings before you point out others!!

We are so quick to try to label/ judge others. Try to point out what we may see or think are flaws in others. Is it because it's easier to judge others for their flaws, question their beliefs instead of first looking/ recognizing/ admitting/ fixing our own?

Dont isolate people with false judgment
Don't isolate people with false judgment

What makes people think they have a right to judge someone else? You have a right to your beliefs, whether they be religious or not. But your religion or beliefs does not give you free reign to judge others for theirs.

The Dangers Of Labeling Others! Do You Live By The Same Standards You Use To Label/Judge Others?

We all have the right to our own beliefs. Don't take away/ trample on others or their beliefs just because they differ from yours!

Save the judgement for yourself
Save the judgement for yourself
Contradict much??
Contradict much??

The biggest problem I have is with the contradictions people use/ have when judging others. How can you judge/ label someone for the same things you yourself do?

Practice what you preach
Practice what you preach

There are men and women shaming/ judging others for the same shit they are themselves doing but trying to excuse their actions/ behavior as a gender right. No, hold yourself to the same standard you expect of others regardless of gender!

Dont lash out at others to make yourself feel or look like the better person
Don't lash out at others to make yourself feel or look like the better person

If you are going to try to shame or call out someone else, be damn sure it's things you yourself are not guilty of.

But again, you do not have the right to judge. But to judge people you don't even know is stupid and pointless. There is other ways to make yourself feel/ look better. Don't do so at the expense of someone else

Open your mind as well as well as your heart
Open your mind as well as well as your heart

Instead of trying to hate on people for their differences, accept/ love/ appreciate people for their own uniqueness. We are different at the core: of who we are/ how we behave.

Love and appreciate and respect the different person we all are and have a right to be.

Once again, thank you for reading, and always stay true and love you regardless of those who try to hate.


"The Dangers Of Labeling Others"! Do You Live By The Same Standards You Use To Label/Judge Others?
42 Opinion