This world is screwed up around relationships!

This world is screwed up around relationships!

Girl rejecting the guy; sorry I dont want to date you because your not hot, too short, not buff, not rich, not a bad boy, a virgin, you dont want to have sex, too caring, too skinny, too fat, small dick. If the guy reacts badly then he is immature and stupid.

Guy rejects a girl; sorry, you dont have big boobs, too big of boobs, flat butt, no sex, too big of a butt, too fat, not caring enough. The girls react like "he is such a selfish horrible human being" and everyone believes her and now everyone abandons you. (Didnt happen to me, just been rejected for being too short)

Breaking up; girls seem to like to leave a note or a text saying we are breaking up, the guy has to take it well, dont cry, and get over it in a week. If he doesn't, he is not a man. The girl will break up for either stupid reasons, or made up reasons. (Some are acually legit like he cheating, he's abusing, or stuff like that.) She says she just doesn't feel the Same way you are an amazing person and the best boyfriend I ever had but just not into you, but says he did nothing wrong. Wtf, if nothing is wrong with him and he's an amazing person, was he too caring and nice? You want a toxic man for you? Why do girls only go after toxic guys, say there's no good guys, get with a good guy and just breaks his heart which turns them into toxic guys and say your just not my type. Excuse me!!!! You said you wanted a nice guy!!!! Wtf!!!!

Guy breaking up; he says he found someone else(which isn't right either), too many personal problems, or she changed too much. (Like turning into a selfish person). She can not take it well, go crazy, threaten him, cry, and everyone will be on her side and call him a disgrace. She will then spread rummers around and think it's right and everyone believes her, but if a guy does the same it's wrong and everyone will hate hime. Wtf.

The hell is wrong with this world, girls dont care about anyone else other then themselfs, and are hypocritical. Everyone bends to them even if it's wrong. They would break up with someone just because either they get a but too busy or not falling in love even if they say he is everything she would ever want in a relationship. But because one thing goes wrong in her life she will dump the guy at a moments notice just because she thinks it will make everyone better for her. Breaks up over text, and expects the guy who fell in love with her and did everything for her, tried to make her happy every day to take the break up well. Sorry lady! He is going to change into an asshole probably all because of you. I dont understand why. Girls are taught to only look out for themselves and not care for anyone else other then themselfs and being independent in life is better then being in a relationship. Guys are taught to bend to the girls will, not cry, and work. Get up, work, eat, sleep. Like a good little robot. This world is screwed up!

This world is screwed up around relationships!
25 Opinion