What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

Dont let jealousy consume you
Don't let jealousy consume you

This myTake deals with jealousy and ways to overcome or deal with jealousy.

Dont let jealousy control your life or relationships
Don't let jealousy control your life or relationships

Jealousy can be feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over lack of possessions or safety.

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

Jealousy can consist of one or more emotions. Some of these include: anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, and disgust.

Different types of jealousy include:

Friend Jealousy

Having other friends doesnt lesson your friendship
Having other friends doesn't lesson your friendship

Some people get jealous when someone in their life makes/ forms new bonds or friendships. But that doesn't mean it makes you less of a friend, and you shouldn't see it that way. If it is a real relationship/ friendship nothing and no one can come between that.

Family Jealousy

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

Sometimes jealousy comes out in the form of sibling rivalry. Feeling like they're getting more attention then you are or feeling the need to compete, show that you're just as good as they are or better.

Abnormal Jealousy

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

This is the more morbid, pathological, delusional or anxious form of jealousy. The kind that can consume a person until they can be a jealous of everything or everyone.

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

What are some of the causes of jealousy?

1. Lack of self confidence, having doubts about abilities and skills.

2. Poor self- image. Not feeling secure about your looks and who you are as a person or worries too much how others see you instead of being Confident in themselves.

3.Fear- The fear of being alone or rejected.

4. Insecure- which can result from lack of self confidence and self image.

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

What are some ways to deal with jealousy?

1. Don't act on your feelings of jealousy.

2. Calm down

3. Express your jealousy in a soft way.

4. Appreciate yourself

5. Heal your wounds

6.Trust your partner

7. Trust yourself

Feelings of jealousy can happen even to the best of us sometimes. It's more about not letting it control you, your relationships, or the way you treat others.

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

Thank you for reading ❣

"brainsbeforebeauty "😘

What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?
33 Opinion