How to Deal With Jealousy

Some of us are more and some of us are less possesive when it comes to our partners.

Either way,all of us at some point of our relationship got a tiny bit jealous. (Don't try to deny it)

Don't worry though,it is natural to feel a little jealous at times, especially if you have very strong feelings for the person you are with right now.

Till a specific level,jealousy is acceptable but sometimes it gets out of control and that leads to fights.....So as a jealous type of girl I will tell you how I personally deal with jealousy when it comes to my man.

1. Don't act in the heat of the moment.

How to Deal With Jealousy

I know it's hard.

It is almost impossible not to act the way you are feeling especially when you feel jealousy,cause it is a really strong emotion. But the funny part is,that the feeling on it's own isn't a problem,the trouble starts when you let it consume you and take over your logic. So,what you have to do is feel the feeling, but do not act on it. Distract yourself,take deep breaths,have fun,don't let this fill your thoughts.

2. When it's the right time,express your jealousy...As "softly" as possible.

How to Deal With Jealousy

This is a really important step. When you two get alone and you feel like you are calm enough to have a conversation with him/her, express all your feelings. Be direct and straight. Don't start exaggerating about everything, don't be a drama queen/king cause if you do these you will not be taken seriously.

Say whatever you felt in a mature and calm way,this will help you take it out of your system and him/her understand you.

3. Accept that the weird feeling that makes you go crazy is jealousy.

How to Deal With Jealousy

Many people don't accept that they are being jealous,because they think that this shows weakness.

And the truth is that it does...In some way. You know, jealousy affects everyone differently. Some people feel jealous because their feelings are hurt but some others feel it because their ego is hurt.

Either way, accepting that you are jealous it's more like a sign of power rather than weakness. So just admit it to yourself.

4. Trust your partner or...Change partner.

How to Deal With Jealousy

Yeap you heard that right. You will either learn to trust him/her or you'll find someone else that his/her vibe is more trustworthy in your opinion. You can't continue torturing yourself and harm this relationship,you have to make an important choice. Either fight it or change battle.

5. Talk to a person you know,that will understand you fully.

How to Deal With Jealousy

This is the part where your best friend come in. You need to take the anger out,and what's the best way to do it other than talk sh*t about him/her to your bff?

You need someone to understand you FULLY. Someone that even if he/she hasn't expirienced what you have, will be able to relate to you and get as pissed as you to him/her. Believe me,this step works better than anything.
















Yeah.....Or you can just do this ↓ (At least that's what I'm going to do if I see someone hitting on my bae.)

How to Deal With Jealousy



How to Deal With Jealousy
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