Accountability: Who Do You Hold Accountable?

Whos really held accountable??
Who's really held accountable??

The truth noone wants to hear or take responsibility for. We're all to "quick" to blame others. For our unhappiness. For the failings in our life. But the cold hard truth?! We are all to blame , we can't blame others. That's just a cop out. That's just a weak, bullshit excuse. Far easier to blame others than to take personal responsibility.

Whos really to blame??
Who's really to blame??

It's so easy to put the blame on others. But that is unfair. To them and to yourself. People will treat you the way you "let" them. You can't allow someone to repeatedly hurt you, lie to you, cheat on you, and "blame them". It's what YOU put up with, what you allowed. Don't keep putting up with it and then whine or cry about it.

You pick your path in life
You pick your path in life

Don't keep crying about the way your life is, without doing anything to change it. Yes, we can't always control what life brings us, but we always have control with how we deal with it. Bad things happen. Hurt happens. Life happens. But so does our reaction to it. It's okay not to always handle things the way we should. What's not okay is to put the blame at someone else's door. It's okay to have weaknesses. We're human after all. It's when we blame our weakness on someone else instead of looking to ourselves and our own failings.


We have more control over our happiness than we recognize or admit to. If something or someone is making you unhappy, do what you can to change the situation.


Until we look to our inner selves, put more importance on how we view ourselves and what we want in life, over how other's view us or just what they want, we won't find that true inner happiness. We all want love. But, that starts with loving yourself. If you let someone make you be someone you're not, is it their fault? Or yours?


It takes two. To make or break any relationship. Whether family, friend, or SO. So take your share of the blame/fault when it isn't working. Hold yourself as responsible as the other person. Just because it's easier to point out other's faults, than to admit our own, don't make it right, or mean we don't have any. Noone is perfect. Just like you shouldn't expect perfection in others, don't come off like "you're" perfect, when you're not.

And that's ok. It's okay to make mistakes. What's not okay is to always blame others for "your" mistakes.

Mistakes happen, its what you take from them
Mistakes happen, it's what you take from them

Sometimes we need to make mistakes, to know what not to do. What we should and should not do.

Look/judge your own mistakes before you look/judge others. And don't blame your mistakes on someone else. Or you'll never learn or be able to move past them. Making mistakes is okay and a part of life. What's not is always blaming someone else instead of owning/taking responsibility for them.

Sometimes mistakes make us smarter/stronger
Sometimes mistakes make us smarter/stronger

If we learn from our mistakes. Admit to them. Grow from them. Well that's what makes us stronger, not weaker.

Stop looking to others for what you can do yourself
Stop looking to others for what you can do yourself

You have more power over your life and happiness, than anyone else does. Don't ever give someone else that power/ control over you. But, if you do,?? Then that is on you not them.


Accountability: Who Do You Hold Accountable?
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