Why love and relationships aren't what they were before

The real definition of love is gone
The real definition of love is gone

This is probably something that is brought up more often than it seems. Maybe there are more people that share my views. What inspired me to write this Take is another Take directed at women who want a partner, it just proved some of my points. My other inspiration is a guy who I just chatted with, who is someone exceptional when it comes to today's perception of love. More info about it comes below. I will write down the major reasons why I think live isn't what it was before and how we, humans, ruined it.

Relationships back in time were all about caring about each other. Now it's just sex, sex, sex, sex and once more sex.

Yeah, I get it, sex is natural, sex is healthy, sex is necessary to continue the human race, blah blah blah. But y'all are just acting like if no human could live without it. You see it as EVERYTHING. In the good old days, you entered a relationship with someone you truly have feelings for. You entered a relationship with someone because you cared about them, wanted them near you, and felt warm inside around them. While nowadays, I see posts like ''if she doesn't have sex with me after three dates, she is not worth being in a relationship with'' or ''if my S.O. didn't want to have sex with me after a few months, I'd just consider cheating''. The fingers on two hands aren't enough to describe how many posts I saw about husbands complaining about their wife losing her sex drive, how they call their wives ''the worst'' just because they do not have sex anymore, and how they go on and on about how they wish they had a younger lady around them, about how they wish they were gay, and crap like that. Seriously, where the heck is the love outside of sex in such cases?!

The genders are constantly bashing each other

Now, back to the dude I was chatting with. He told me about his crush, who never showed an interest in him. He said he had a crush on her for over 10 years and really misses and cares about her, even though she isn't interested, and he would literally die for her. That guy got me thinking: ''how many people actually have this way of thinking compared to those who'd start bashing their crush who rejected them?''. Because yes, this is true. It is very common for people to automatically start bashing their opposite gender just because one person rejected them, not even considering the fact that they may just not be interested. They start calling all members of their opposite gender shallow, untrustworthy and cruel. Because you have the absolutely biggest clue about what's going on inside the heads of billions of people, right? Only a few bad experiences do not reflect the behavior of everybody. If you were born with abusive parents, would you say all parents are abusive? I bet not. It's the same thing with generalizing your opposite gender. You'd think that people would become smarter in such aspects over time, but no. Somehow we just have a growing amount of MGTOWs, incels, feminists, femcels, etc. I just can't help but feel bad for this kind of people, because they really are missing out on some amazing life experiences of having a S.O. Some time ago I questioned if there are actually any people who are happy in relationships. No specific answers.

It's just like if people actually thought that the opposite sex is FORCED to be in a relationship with them. If one of them says no, then they're all automatically the worst.

So, in conclusion, our perception of love has been ruined because of today's sex obsession and opposite gender-bashing for no certain reason. Not only do people feel like the opposite gender owes them sex, but they also feel like the opposite gender owes them relationships. There is no ''caring and wanting to be around each other'' anymore, today there is ''fuck me or go away'' and ''be with me just because I say so, and if you don't, you're a cunt''.

I am not expecting anyone to change their views after reading this Take, but I felt like the subject needed a bit more attention, no matter if it will make a change or not.

Why love and relationships aren't what they were before
18 Opinion